Standby for the coddle jokes

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What’s this now?

€13 notes for restaurant quality mash


How to mash potatoes … :smiley:

Time to close down the forum, we’re done.


Interesting. Can you describe how it works please?

Big fan of adding the yolk of an egg myself.

DM me if you want any pointers on how to make a cup of tea, brah.

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What you need to do is add olive oil or butter and a few herbs from your press to the water when you’re boiling them up… the spuds will take in that flavour.

Aren’t you one of them happy pear types?

I wouldn’t dream of putting pears in my mash bro… WTF?

It is like a garlic press only bigger. Gives you a lump free purée of mash - all you need do is add a small bit of butter and a drop of milk after use and it is job done.

Puree? I don’t like my mash pureed I think it’s disgusting.

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Baby ( pronounced Ba-bee) food

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Another needless utensil that needs to be made, shipped and stored and disposed of at the end of life?


Same as a potato masher just more effective

A whore of a yoke to clean, we had one but I gave it away, you’d spend longer trying to clean it than the time saved in mashing , and it isn’t any nicer,

The dishwasher would never get it properly clean

A mouli is what they call it


I find it easy enough, a good course pad and a bit of hot water and it wouldn’t take much longer than a starchy pot which has been used for mashing.

I’d say the dishwasher wouldn’t be much use in cleaning it alright

Grand biteen of brunch


Any auld bread on the go for a bit of dipping?

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