It’s amazing how lads can be mugged off with chape meat.

Sure the wagyu beef that is being raved about is about 30% fat even for the good cuts :man_shrugging:

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You can see why the Irish have one of the highest cancer rates in the world …

Any photo I’ve seen of the wagyu looks like it had a huge fat content.

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You are merely existing.

That’s why they taste good & COST MORE…

It does but you’re not supposed to ate a big Wagyu steak like a Roaster.

You’re supposed to ate small amounts thin slices of it almost like sushi.

Processes meat is the only link here. No evidence that unprocessed red meat is linked to cancer.

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What about high animal fat content?

In moderation saturated fat is fine.

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You’ve lads here atin meat three times a day… Lumps of red fatty meat 2/3 times a week…

It’s literally poisoning.

The only solid evidence is that of frying meat at high temptetures but the suggestion here is that the it’s the oil the meat is fried in rather than the fat of the meat itself that’s the risk is with.

Vegetable oil, pure fucking poison. Should only use lard.


I’m.not attacking meat eating… but rather how much meat is being consumed.

Farmers circling the Masseys here.


Eating red meat 2-3 times a week with a reasonable amount of fat is healthy, you need saturated fat in your diet. It’s no wonder your body is falling apart.

He can hardly get his palm oil arse into his jeans shorts these days.

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I ate dairy and coconut oil… You should only have a small bit of saturated fat in your diet and concentrate on good fats that come from nuts, fish, and avocado … Eggs have a bit of both and I’d have an egg every day.

Industrial seed oils like canola and rape seed are fucking lethal when heated to high temps.

Are they not the same thing mate?

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