What a fucking hero.
Baked eggplant as the middle easterns cook it is one of my favorite things to eat. There’s a famous dish called after a king wot fainted after he ate it.
One of my specialities is Bedouin lamb cooked on a rotessrrie, my grill has a back burner. When I get it right and don’t overcook it it’s fucking unbelievable.
Sausages on the grill are the absolute bomb.

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Did two Wagyu striploin steaks last night on the BBQ. From James Whelan.

Spectacular. I’d normally be a bit wary of striploin, it can be chewy. This was as tender as a good fillet.


where didst one procure such fine meat?



I did a rib eye roast from James Whelan yesterday. Was excellent.

I’ll have a roast beef sandwich for elevenses today.


Would you believe I got given one of the James Whelan Wagyu “Beef Bonds” a couple of years ago as a present ( https://www.jameswhelanbutchers.com/info/beef-bonds/). Came with a number of different cuts and most of the meat has been in the freezer for the last couple of months. This was exceptional though - I’d def buy again.

I’ve some Wagyu mince in there too - I reckon that’ll be the job for some smash burgers as per @glasagusban recent video


The Wagyu seems to be sold out on their site.

I caught the end of some lad on the radio yesterday saying they made wagyu sandwiches at the weekend and sold them in whatever cafe/eaterie he owns for €90 a pop

Just on this, my understanding is for the smash burgers it’s the onions that keeps them moist, might be a waste of the wagyu mince.

I did them again there at the weekend though and the result was hands down the best burger I’ve ever had. I did a triple burger with a slice of cheddar on each, a sliced pickl and into a big brioche bun with mustard and ketchup on both sides.

I actually can’t wait to have them at the weekend again.


I’m looking to get a skillet pan or plate of similar to let me do them on the BBQ. The extractor fan can’t keep up with them.

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You’re worse than me for the red meat kid.

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I think you are mixing up an Oklahoma onion burger and a typical smash burger there on the moistness.

A typical smash burger doesn’t have to have onion, but it should have minimum 30% fat beef, and be cooked in about 2 minutes each side thereby keeping all the juices in.

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Ating fish for lunch is a gamechanger


You’re some man for one man, I don’t care what anyone says about you.

Informative. I was told about this onion technique by my mate who called them smash burgers so perhaps I was misinformed. I’m going to and call him a cunt now for making a fool of me on the internet.

Not quiet wrong, one of the recipes I’ve seen for the Oklahoma onion burger was also cooked in using the smash method. Just you dont have to have onions on a smash burger to keep it moist.

I made that Oklahoma onion burger a few weeks ago and it was very difficult to stop the onion charring at such a high heat.

Sam makes some nice stuff and did an onion burger video a few weeks back.

That’s my new thing I learned for today. I found a few of the onions got a bit blackened around the outside but wouldn’t say charred, the meat on top made sure they caramelised. I used red onions the last time I did it and I think they were nicer. I’m looking forward to them again at the weekend now.


Mayo and garlic paste on his burger? He can fuck right off.

30% fat beef :mask:

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