He has a chicken adobo recipe in one of his books with 10 cloves of garlic in a recipe for 2 people. Thats just an example. As Fagan said he is not a trained chef. He is the epitome of style over substance

You’re trigger happy this morning :smile:

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Mario Rosentock for all his faults nailed Donal years ago.


Skehan, a home cook, has fellas hopping like suasages in a pan. It drives fellas larky suple when some lad makes a few quid out of something that looks easy like cooking or being a sports radio presenter.

I’d say there are plenty better cooks than him on here but he has spent years building the brand how many fellas are willing to do that :man_shrugging:

Donal skehan ffs :joy::joy:

Spot on. @rocko has literally just reposted a recipe from him for sausages in a pan.


Donal is an RTE employee (tax funded) and a public figure. It was his choice to be a public figure.

In case it hasn’t dawned on you in all your years of living, public figures are open to ridicule and piss taking. That’s part and package of the deal. It’s also what made Will Smith’s recent over reaction even more bizarre than it was. Donal, in contrast, has gotten a mild slapping on an obscure internet forum.

You’re all for the golden circle, money men and aspiring celebs being given an easy ride. The influence of rugger and banking no doubt.


A home cook who is on telly the odd time has driven you demented pal. Time to lay off the sauce and get on the shakti mat you’re in a state of personal flux

Is this bit actually true?

Or is donal an independant contractor who works with a production company who made the show under contract to RTÉ. Fierce shrieking altogether

Ah yeah there’s no way he’s an employee of RTÉ in fairness.

Figured as much.

I’ve not read his contract. The over arching point stands regardless.

Typical closed minded attitude. Just because you don’t agree with something doesn’t mean you shouldn’t read it.


The Mirror say he’s an RTE star so that’s good enough for me.

If it was shared by some contrarian right wing russian influenced semi literate blogger or Jordan Peterson he’d read it.


Is @backinatracksuit paying a few quid every week to @gilgamboa for TFK protection? First sign of a cross word and he dives in front of the poor divil.


The sausages are hopping.

I didn’t even realise there was cross words for me :man_shrugging:
I’m only making a point re ‘frozen’ peas which had that angry fella so vexed.
I’d often use peas in that way like, they defrost very quickly in a bowl and only need to be warmed.

I’ve seen many simpler ‘recipes’ than that one @Rocko , I suppose you’d need to employ common sense with regards to what you’d consider a splash of water.

I’d have no issue with 10 cloves of garlic @binkybarnes though I realise it’s overkill for some, are you sure it’s for 2, it would seem a bit mad to make such a small quantity for an adobo, like you would hardly make a pot of stew for just 2 servings.
But anyway, I didn’t realise we were fighting :man_shrugging:

Bit of devils advocate I suppose

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That’s an outrageous post you’re out of order mate.

Devils avocado

Oh and some of the best recipes are from people who haven’t worked as professional chefs.
My kids love a lady called Nadiya who was on the bake off, we have all her books and they’re the best cook books I’ve ever seen, worth checking out for everybody.
Ramsey’s books on the other hand are pure shite