Cooking for one?

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:joy::joy::joy:. Yeah it’s small enough - seemed to shrink. Will just about do us for dinner if sliced thinly.

I’d have that ate picking at it while waiting for dinner.


Sure if you threw frozen peas into a stir fry they would be cooked in 3 or 4 mins. No need to defrost

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I’d have everything out and ready to go in the pan,
Skehan wouldn’t go to the freezer for his peas, they’ll be in a bowl weighed out or whatever, so they’ll be defrosted, the angry man in the video hasn’t taken that onto account

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You still in Budapest?

Egg & Beef? Salad cream?

Nice plate of stuff

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Yep, back tomorrow mid-morning. Veal stew. :yum:

Veal and sour cream. Licked the plate, so I did.

With scrambled eggs?

It’s like a pasta but made of dumplings. Fenom :yum:

It’s called Spaetzle in Germanic countries.

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Skehan is a fucking chancer. The ingredient quantities in his recipe books are all ovef the shop.

I don’t have any, give us an example



OK, it was a genuine enquiry, I don’t really know anything about the chap, I’ve skipped by him on TV here and there,
I thought your man in the video seemed like a very angry chap with an axe to grind, playing to a certain gallery obviously, the type that populate TFK to a large degree.
Maybe the peas were straight from the freezer but it’s unlikely in a TV studio kitchen where everything like that is prepped in advance

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In fairness to the chap he has done well to carve out a career for himself in the cookery space. However he never worked professionally in a kitchen and while others in the space (Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsey, Rick Stein, Neven Maguire) were peeling spuds for a living, the bould Donal was in a boy band (Streetwize).

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I saw this one on the RTÉ homepage yesterday.

A few comments.

  1. He cooks the food for 15-20 mins but the total recipe time is 1 hour. So he’s allocating 40-45 mins for placing the ingredients in the pan and for putting them in a bowl at the end

  2. A 3 step recipe where one step is put the ingredients in a pan and another step is put the ingredients in a bowl isn’t much of a recipe

  3. He’s going to cook potatoes in a “splash of water”. How is that going to work?