Had afternoon tea there before. Cc @Bandage was way too sweet.

Was ravenous earlier today.

Circle K station deli,
Large White Roll
Extra butter
1 x Rasher cut up
2 x Black pudding slices cut up

“ Roll cut in half “

I inhaled it…. No Pics


Extra butter?

It’s the glue



That is probably the oddest mixture of items I’ve heard of or seen in a roll


Beans. :see_no_evil:

@TreatyStones as the foremost culinary expert on the site looking for some advice. I am cooking for 25 adults at the weekend.

I have purchased some nice lamb shoulders and some brisket. I intend slow cooking both and finishing them on the BBQ for a half hour when I know people are ready to eat

I have loads of salads ordered eg potato salad etc so plan is hot meat and salad buffet type affair. Will also do a skip of hasselback potatoes.

My Q is… Any good suggestions of a rub for lamb I could use… And any other easy warm sides I could do… I will be drinking minding children and hosting this event so easy is the operative word

This shit should be outsourced given the day that’s in it.

Salt and pepper is hard bate

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Def be cheaper and easier to outsource it. But where is the fun in that

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Hope you’ve a big oven to do enough lamb shoulder for 25 people. You’d get 4 or 5 to a large baking tray and, if slow cooking, should be going for about 5 hours.

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I have. I did it for 12 not so long ago.

Plan is 3 shoulders of lamb and 2 brisket

Big fan of the slow cooking… Its foolproof

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For 25 people?? Seems low, no? I’d be doubling the shoulders id have thought

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He’ll have them filled with wine and Dutch Gold - the won’t be that hungry by the time the grub is ready - 7pm.


They are 2kg shoulders id say plenty based on previous experience

Impressive. You’re all over this.

I’m starting to doubt myself