We ate in tonight. I was on assemblage.

Bought supper in Grand Frais in Narbonne – probably the best supermarket I ever entered. And incredibly reasonable for the quality available.

Never had wild asparagus (on right) before. Delicious.

The razor clams were interestingly small and so I bought them and they were as delicious as I hoped and anticipated.

We are now on to Banyuls and Morbier.

God bless the south of France


You could spend hours in a French supermarket :man_shrugging:
Those rotisseries where they have the chickens and the juice is dripping onto the roastie potatoes below :ok_hand:


Make plenty

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Off to the France myself in August. Driving from Cherbourg - Orleans - Dijon - Strasbourg. Haven’t worked out where I am stopping on the way back. Dijon is supposed to be the foodie capital of France.


Sounds mustard mate.


Meat prepped. Will leave it sit for 2 hours now before I put it on

Lamb was marinated overnight in wine, olive oil, salt and pepper, rosemary, mint thyme, tomatoes

The brisket just put in fridge covered in salt pepper and paprika…added a hard core carnivore rub to one of them there now


Salivating :yum:

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Have done that…

Les Halles in Narbonne is some spot. Food heaven…

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One of the things that impressed me most about French supermarkets was that they sold what was in season, so that day you couldn’t get strawberries in January which probably meant that the produce was local or at least French and not shipped half way around the world.



We have very similar tastes.

I could have bought 24 fine claire vert in Grand Frais for €18. Probably the best gourmand value in the world.

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Do you speak the language? I got an A in honours in Leaving Cert but sadly most of it is long forgotten.

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Would you be ok shucking them yourself. I never thought of doing it. I’d only ever eat them out.

Un peu.

I had a French teacher who could scarcely speak English.

Yes, happy to shuck oysters. Able to do so since the early 1990s. There is a knack to it that you learn. I have a couple of oyster knives. Often buy oysters in farmers market at home September to April.

I lived in Galway September 1991 to August 1992. Ate an awful lot of oysters. We used to go out on the weekend to The Castle and tip into the fish and chip shop (now gone) off Shop Street. They would sell you a bottle of white wine at 3am so long as you ordered some fish. Oysters were the choice.


Went down a treat

I had enough meat for another 3 or 4 people I’d say so cut it fine enough… That’s one half of the brisket


That’s some feed


You are a credit to the forum.


Un fucking real

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By the time I’d it cooked and ready to go I’d no mind for grub myself. Does this happen to anyone else?