My speciality chicken parmigiana, heavy on the sauce I know but it’s my own and the kids lick the plates clean


I’d ate that.


New spuds? Had some myself earlier and they were delicious.

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Dungarvan home guards, lovely

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Like given on the basis that is a starter.

This thread wasn’t built up on healthy portions pal.

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Lovely bit of spanish ham and cabbage there cc @Thomas_Brady

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What would you serve it with? Spagetti or tagliatelle? Sorry qs meant for @backinatracksuit

I always serve it with spaghetti, this stuff

We made sandwiches NY style heros for lunch today
This is what’s left for tomorrow


That’s not Spanish, too uncultured.

I had a big spoon of sauerkraut with it , and some Dijon mustard

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Made a flying visit to this place today CC @Malarkey. I was going to be in the area anyways and was curious based on the posts here. Way too short to get under the skin on the place but I would love to get back for a few nights. A Sètebreak, if you will. Got a grand fishy lunch for the wrong time of day (a lot of places were closed in the middle of the day).


Did you visit the nudist colony in Cap d’Agde?

No but it aroused my suspicions when I was doin’ a bit of Googlin’ about the area. Would you recommend it?

Ah yeah. Sure why not. Loosen up a bit.

Nothing like a bit of wind on the goolies during the morning prowl.


Fair play. I certainly hope to revisit Sète. And also Leucate in April, when les oursins are still in season.

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Katsu curry, another specialty


Your PM inbox must be full of lads asking to marry you ?!…

Did you figure out what prawns pil pil is yet?