Oysters. Fucking love em.


Was in the Marina Market for a few hours earlier. Great spot. Fantastic selection of food there now. Not cheap by any means but the place was hopping. Its basically an old factory unit repurposed into load of pop up units

They have invested a lot into the toilets there which are fancy hotel standard compared to the bare walls and floor look in rest of place

I had a cone of chips from a place called Prátaí topped with crispy onions and a curry and lime sauce… Savage.

I also had some sushi, and a Buddha bowl which was massive I couldn’t finish it. Wife had a curry bowl from Eco (of Douglas fame)… There was massive queues all day for a chicken place called Poulez Vouz but it was too busy for me to wait…

You can rent bikes there now, and there is a barbers etc… I’d say the place is only going to get better. 10 times a better tourist attraction than the English Market


Very pricey tho everything has gone up again recently.

It has everywhere I suppose… But yeah thought was dear. Buddha bowl was 8.50 not too bad. Kids got a pizza was 11 quid not too bad… Sushi was v expensive

1k a month to set up a stall in there I believe.

The pizza is decent price… It’s still grand for an auld treat over all.

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That’s ridiculously good value… Are you sure it’s not a week? Definitely a few spots in there today turned over 10k plus

A work colleagues brother sells a few pieces of art some weekends. Fairly sure she said 1k a month.

If you wanted to go in for the weekend then it’s 130€.

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There was a lad in there today had a “hanging tough” bar… Hang for 100 seconds and you win a prize. 3 quid a pop… Cleaning up he was

Load of kids doing it, my lady did 60 seconds and calved… A fella about 6ft 5 did it, he was so tall his feet were still touching the ground at the highest bar setting so he had to actually pull himself up and hang… He did the 100 seconds but was fucked after it was seriously impressive… He got a Toblerone :rofl:


Food markets in Dublin gone through the roof too - €10 for a rotisserie chicken roll.




That Panama Hat is iconic


Mon dieu

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A warm prawn salad from fish shack. Could have done with another couple of prawns but delicious.


In other news, I’d imagine a lot of restaurants will hit the wall over the next two years. Prices going up, meals will be one of the first things people cut. No change after a tip from 50 for lunch for me and the little lady today. And fish shack is hardly the most expensive spot out there…


I’d say you’re being fairly optimistic with your timelines there mate. This winter will tell a lot. Declining standards in food and service for various reasons with staff shortages being the biggest one and less money in people’s pockets could see a few places out the gap in next 6 months. I can’t remember the last time I was out for a good meal in Dublin. Either the food or the service or both has been average to poor and that’s in places that would’ve been good pre lockdowns.

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Yeah it’s got silly expensive to eat out.

Myself and my lad were In Wagamama last week. Two starters two mains and two soft drinks - 56 euro.

Pre lockdown I thought restaurants and bars had become expensive. There’s a bit of a post lock down bounce. It has to end.


Pub burgers and chips the bones of 20 quid is just ridiculous and can’t last.