Make hay and all that owl shite…

I will say however, the level of greed being displayed by (not all) restaurants,landlords,hotels,pubs and even down to cunts renting out houses for golf and so forth is disgusting to witnesses in our beautiful country.Every cunt is at it,it seems.

This current trend,like all fads,will come to an end eventually but what the gougeratti dont seem to realise is that reputational damage lasts alot longer that the boom/bust cycle.

And we all know the Irish have memories longer than elephants


Also isn’t the lower vat rate for hospitality due to end soon

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We were looking to do a few days somewhere before the school holidays. I know we’ve left it late but the rates are obscene. Two hundy per night in a bang average hotel

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Id well believe it.
I got a 6 month ban recently so illl choose my words carefully when it comes to making a statement as to why holidaying in our own country has become prohibitively expensive.Supply and demand,to put it,nicely.
Citywest and Trabolgans,for example,current situations as regards welcoming ordinary folk for a break are a quick google search away.

But sure we cant say anything apart from take it up the hole and not be accused of being racist.

Buy a tent and take a chance on the weather is what Id suggest.

The pressure the Ukraine situation has put on our system is mental alright. Citywest isnt even full of Ukranians anymore. Most of the longer term are asylum seekers from elsewhere who have ended up there, some quite happily. England being absolute cunts with their border is also having an effect and driving more people here. We are really struggling to deal with it. A bunch of asylum seekers have been literally turfed out into the streets over the last week i believe. But all the accomodation used for them means hotels can gouge what they like. Situation will deteriorate rapidly in september when the colleges need their student accomodation back soon.

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We looked to add on a night in a hotel on our way to kilkee to prolong the holiday and break up the journey…anywhere within an hour on a sulky of limerick was 200 at least, without breakfast…


We don’t really

Yep a shitshow probably coming down the tracks for Micko and the other bucko…All those lads want are slaps on the back in Brussels.

I doubt many ukranians want to be here and id say most of them will go back as soon as is possible. Those that stsy will probably be a decent addition to the country. Our issues are that we have no space for anyone. Us them or other asylum seekers. Pressure is everywhere and the government arent really managing it very well. Money doesnt seem to be an object but thats fuck all use when there’s no system to administer it.


I’d say they’re loving being over here in emergency accommodation while their country is being bombed to shit alright.


Silver linings and all that.Lets continue this
when we see how many return home when the dust settles.

You’re some stupid fucking ape.

Ill never forget the comment you made about my mortgage hunting. NEVER!

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I was at a soft play place this morning with the little wan. There were two women with kids there. Very little English. They’d some woman who had brought them there and was checking to see if they were going to go swimming tomorrow. I guessed (and could be wrong) that they were Ukrainian women. I wanted to find out so I could buy them a coffee or a bun or something, but didn’t want to make assumptions. They’d very blank expressions on their faces. Imagine being so far away from home, unsure about what’s going to happen, trying to keep the kids on track, and being landed in Dundalk of all places…

Sorry, off on a tangent here.


They were likely from Roscommon - the blank expressions on their faces is the giveaway.


80% of the Ukraine is unaffected. Sure every Tom, Dick and Harry are showing up in Kiev for photo ops.

Does this mean we won?

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Anyone that would reply in that grotesque fashion isnt worthy of a dignified response.