Off the charts

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Why is your knife held together with tape?

Jaysus, I’m always defending my stuff.
For the record, in our house we generally buy good stuff, but we don’t replace it at the first sign of wear, my missus is appalled by disposable culture, she’s quite earthy really.
Anyway that’s a zwillings bread knife, the blade is perfect, but the handle came loose, so it’s held together with tape :man_shrugging:


You put up pictures of your stuff i suppose.

Thats fairly fucking manky i must say pal. Would you replace the tape daily? It looks like the tape and all gets washed. Thats actually disgusting pal

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I usually just wash the blade of my knives
It is what it is

That’s a grand looking knife. You can’t beat a good knife set. It would do you an eternity.

He’s only delighted that you brought it up.


All my knives are good, I love a good knife, hard to get a hold of but this is the best (non professional) sharpener you’ll ever get (not for a serrated blade obviously)

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I just have a knife steel for sharpening. Does the finest.

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Would glue not work?

I’ll be honest with you, I didn’t ever give it a second thought, it’s a recent enough thing, my wife took care of it and it’s working fine.
What glue, plastic onto steel?

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Loctite or any of that stuff would work. Tape seems pretty unhygienic

He could fuck off & replace / repair the handle but there’d be no likes in that.

It wouldn’t be earthy enough….


I see the christmas spirit is gone already lads?

Knife shaming is as low as it gets.

I wonder who’ll be first in with either

A) a mick dundee joke

2) a stab city joke

No idea where we got these knives but we’ve had them for years, not expensive either I’d imagine but mighty for doing a bit of carving.

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We go again.