You could see a lad put up anything on TFK

I’d say you got a lovely little boost there with the potential for a pile on, highlight of your Christmas,
Now go and fuck yourself again

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You’re very needy and sensitive. It’s a very strange trait. Anyway, the January sales are around the corner.

Nice handle

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He’s minded that. Hasn’t seen a dishwasher much I’d wager, or if so, it’s a fine quality.

No bother taping a handle together, but the clear tape could be slippy and you don’t want anything slippy when it comes to knives. Looks like a great blade and nice sharper too BIAT

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3 or 4 replies and you’re getting hot and bothered :grinning:
After 6 or 7 years and thousands upon thousands of shittiness, don’t worry, when the January sales come around I’ll try to ignore you again and you can carry on with gusto,
But till then you can go fuck yourself you prick :+1:


The only person hot and bothered is you. Perpetually so. It’s the holidays, try relax.

Earthy stuff

I just hope he’s ok. There’s a lot lashing out for no reason lately and some posts where you’d wonder is there more going on that appears the case.

Don’t worry about me, I’m as laid back a fella as you’ll ever meet

I don’t need to act tje cunt on the Internet, that would give me no satisfaction whatsoever, you’d wonder about the type of fella who would get his kicks from that, go fuck yourself


So much anger, and for no reason. It’s baffling to see such unnecessary hatred. I mean it’s TFK, it’s all about a bit of abuse but this seems a little more directed for no apparent reason. It’s disturbing.

I never said I was earthy you absolutely pointless snivelling cunt

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Yes, I do hate you

But it’s not unreasonable or unnecessary,

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Just, wow.

Wouldn’t be Christmas without a tit for tat at the dinner table. Fitting thread for it and all.


A bit of this and that is expected, but such blind blind hatred? Would you have that at the table?

Its amazing how quick the shrivel happens when its given back.


A shell of a human