Get the chipper chips in Aldi and fire them in on max crisp


Had a very rare Supermacs a couple of months ago. It’s well north of a tenner for a “meal” now. As you say you’d get fed better for not much more at those prices.

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Supermac’s is shocking bad, I would say I wouldn’t give it to the dog but I do occasionally eat it out of desperation, those motorway stations are very handy

It’s not the worst of them though. The little wan dragged me to McDonald’s there a couple of months ago. It was rotten I thought.

I love a Supermacs on a motorway journey. You’d nearly say it’s a little tradition me and the kids have.

The chicken tenders are the finest and I like the chips.

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Supermacs isn’t half as bad as people make it out to be.


I’d have kept going only the young lad was starving,I hate the grub in Supermacs.And it’s got very expensive,we’d have got two proper dinners in Sullivan’s for the same money


BurgerKing is the top dog now. Accept no substitute

I’d say that about McDonalds
I love McDs chips (fries) with the little pot of curry or barbecue sauce

Burger King’s ubiquitous in European airports means I associate it with emotional, tired and vulnerable periods of my life. Philogrobilized travelling would test the mettle of even the most iron forged mind. That fragility swims to the surface when I see a whopper meal and it’s not a good pool to lay in.

The breakfast area in T2 DUB is being refurbished currently. Burger King don’t offer a distinct breakfast menu. That also ranks against it.

However on a recent visit to DUB I was desperate and the lounge food is gone to pot. Porridge with the consistency of Solvite wallpaper haste that they used to advertise in the 1980s by gluing a lad’s feet to a board and hoisting him atop a skyscraper upside down. It could equally have been an ad for the tightness of his shoelaces. I digress.

Against my better judgment I tapped the BK self service kiosk.

Ating a chicken royale at 7:30am is like quantum leaping back to your twenties darkest moments.


Burger King do nice chicken burgers, not the royale one but I think it’s called a crispy chicken, seems like proper chicken anyway.
I think BK fries are the worst of the fast food outlets

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If thats not the greatest thing you’ve ever laid your ravenous eyes upon, then I dont know what is


The Burger King XL Bacon Double Cheese, with a splash of red sauce, is the greatest burger on sale in fast food places presently

That is my go to. Its the King. Its why they call themselves BurgerKing.

Air fryer on sale in Lidl today - half priced at €64.99. No excuses now. All aboard.

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Classic Gaz

All the wine o’clock crisp sambo gang loving it. You sir have won the zzzzzz


Did you get Spiderman to take the photo?


Speaking of which….