That slicer looks expensive?

long story short, always wanted one, 3 years ago on black Friday it was on sale directly from the manufacturer all in it cost less than 600e (just checked the current price is 1079e)
I have saved that amount slicing beef and ham, the ham we cooked Sunday cost 12e it provided Sunday dinner and Its now Wednesday and it made lunches for us this week - 90g packet of ham will cost you 2.50 -3e in the shops

so yes, I shelled out but it has certainly paid its way


That is class. How is maintaining it? You have to wash it a fair bit? Difficulty removing blades to sharpen?

Jesus, never knew it but would love one


TikTok is a great for resource for that type of stuff.

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Fair dues
Sure u can pass it on to someone else with a passion for cookery or sell it if feed up with it
Either way it’s a win win :clap::clap:

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Brilliant ref having lots of dinners out of it,
Wanna see my effort at slicing beef :cut_of_meat: :roll_eyes:
And as for a leg of lamb disaster-
Hannibal Lechter would be disappointed in me

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once you get the hang of it you can clean it in less than 10 minutes (I am pretty meticulous)
You can buy cheaper brands but they arent as easy to clean, my research led me to believe that the more I spent the easier they are to clean.

it has sharpeners which are very easy to use


the kids love thin sliced brown ham (roast beef)


Your pic of that plate of ham was better than the carvery we ate in yesterday
But I remarked to my smallie about eating with your eyes aswell as your stomach
It looked so even and succulent
Like yours

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Smoked halibut, green pea cream, trout caviar, apple vinagrette and cress

Baked deer, butter fried chanterelles, truffle sauce and pommes aligoté


Putting me to shame :blush:

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A growing boy has to eat.

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:blush::blush::blush::blush:don’t grow too big​:ok_hand:
If I hadn’t the gym st least 5 tones weekly I’d be like the side of a house with what I sometimes pack away :roll_eyes:

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Where’d you get them onion rings? They look the right amount of onion Vs batter. These modern onion rings are useless. One bite a load of batter flakes off and a big fuck off ring of onion left

I’m currently half a gable in trouser size. Three pairs of jeans with arse ripped out of them in the last month or so. Need to get back on the treadmill.


Pretty sure it was Lidl! Frozen ones and threw them in the air fryer. Tasty too

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What the? You nuked my ham and spuds


Cornstore limerick

Pork belly with black pudding mash and braised red cabbage

Sticky toffee pudding with game changing orange toffee sauce

We go again tomorrow, to freddys


You’ll be the size of Juhy’s gable


U should
I’m down 2 plus stone since hitting the treadmill
Do a bit of hiking aswell but treadmill is the way