Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

Nothing better. Square bales? The handiest yokes going

Yed nearly want a full week for hay lad,jaysus I love doing hay/silage.The smell of the new cut meadow mixed with the smell of diesel and black smoke from the exhaust.Ye can’t beat it

Square bales are grand if ye have the help.

No mate, round ones. Square bales are for fellas who like crossfit


make an aul rasher and egs sandwich there to keep you going

The Galway lads are fierce touchy these days. Won’t take too much before they’re tearing strips out of each other again as normal.

We didn’t have a tractor for years when I was a young lad and the auld fella was always more of a fan of Square bales as I could fire them out to the cows handily enough when I was a young fella. Great days.

We always have a 100 or so around the place but we’d buy them usually. Great memories of the days we made them… Some labour involved though.

Fell off the top of a silage trailer stacked with square bales as a young lad. Was firing bales over to the father in the shed and my foot got caught in bailing twine and sent me down between the tractor and trailer. Bar a slightly sprained wrist, there was any damage. Myself and himself made a pact no to mention a word to the mother but I think she got suspicious when he bought me a 99 after mass the next day, as that wouldn’t have been his style


Savage. You’d feel like a right big man piking one with the fork and firing it up to an older fella on top of the trailer. Silage pits and square bales are where you see real community at work, neighbours helping each other out to get the fucking job done before the bastarding rain. Miss those days


This lad is about two inches thick, I’m already stuffed from marinated chicken, a loaded hot dog and some great salad.

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What was it?


Looks like a pork chop that got scalded

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That’s a ribeye mate, dry rub all over, perfect

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Enjoy mate.


When i was around 9 I let up the clutch too quick and knocked my sister off the trailer… She spent the summer in a cast with a broken arm.


christ man, you have incinerated it, thats like something I’d expect @Massey to be posting up later after he destroys a heap of good meat


I’m a fuckin right whizz at the BBQ mate I’ll have you know,I’d say I’m the only one on here who’s built his own one.

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You’ve burnt that very badly. You’ll get cancer eating food like that.


I’ll chance a striploin for fans of raw meat.
Christ I have that barbecue at a ridiculous heat