Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

You are some man.

I had a big load of lentil pasta (Aldi, smashing stuff) and broccoli and a rake of garlic black olives thrown in with a sort of pesto style sauce I made by blitzing up an avocado, basil, parsley, two cloves of garlic, walnuts, lemon juice and a drop of oil. Twas lovely.

Lovely feed that.

Were you in a soup kitchen somewhere?


You must be some looking ginnet.

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Delighted to give that the bordering on pivotal 9th.

Stew looks great, the spuds not so much, but I’d ate that.

That looks fucking fantastic mate.


What a combination, brilliant! Sauerkraut :clap:

He definitely sets a very high bar around here.

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Would you use cold chorizo like a slice of ham? F he had lashed it on a hot pan for 20 seconds it’d have made all the difference

I was referring to moth. No disrespect to smark who is in the first division as well, but that toasted concoction looked pretty ghastly to me, although it could be a case of tasting better than it looks.

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Quick dinner tonight, cupboard was nearly bare, 3 simple ingredients, yum…


That’s the stupidest looking plate iv seen in a very very long time, it’s a fucking abomination.


That plate has to go.

I’m giving a like for the lovely bowl. Impressive!

It’s actually a bowl…


If I was handed my dinner on that I’d assume they were winding me up. Fucking joke shop of a plate.

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A bit like your contribution to TFK.

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