
I’m just looking out for your welfare… All that greasy food will kill you, not to mention your daily bread consumption, which is off the charts… You’ll be dead in 15 years if you keep going. Would you not sign up to a fat fighters or the UK version of operation transformation?? Tho I suspect your binge eating stems from being deeply unhappy and perhaps counselling is what you need.

I’m the fittest, sexiest man I know, it must be galling to see someone like me and you have to starve yourself, sure thats no life

Why are you so threatened by @Tassotti?


Very surprised to see such disgusting xenophobic posts about Australia from @Tassotti and @Fagan_ODowd. Not surprised to see @HBV lapping it up though.

I’ve never seen you, pal… Look, the other lads will play up to you for cheap laughs but I see a guy that’s genuinely hurting and I don’t mind taking abuse from you if it means someone is being honest with you…deep down you’re theres a great guy that just wants to be loved but you’ve been hurt along the way and you’re turning to food now as a source of comfort… I urge you to seek help, pal.

Did you get a new plate? I prefer the other one.

he doesn’t have much going on in his life, he’s full of anger and hatred, that i can maintain such a physique with minimal effort

we have 3 different styles of plate in the house, I like the other one too

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What’s with all the amateur psychology today kid? That’s two posters you’ve diagnosed as requiring counselling now in tht last few hours.
The constant character assassination?

You’re acting the cunt big time. Leave it out you horrible prick.


He needs God in his life

Lads afraid of a bit of rice, you couldn’t make it up!

Sure you have to let rice cool down to make fried rice. It’s amazing that there’s anyone left alive in China at all if recooking rice is so poisonous.

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Emma Louise comes bashing here way in again, has to have her say. I was trying to save a man who is clearly calling out for help… You’d rather watch him suffer for your own amusement tho you horrible little cunt… You’re easily the most disgusting insecure bastard on the forum.

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I often leave leftover chinese food for a few days over the weekend and never have been sick once

Chill out for fs. You are really venting today.
Anytime I have a go at you it’s deserved and I’m always careful that it’s 100% factual.
I won’t be dressing up the truth because you are a soft cock, ffs. You gowl.


You probably have unreal gut health mate. Your lifestyle means the bacteria in your stomach are functioning at absolutely optimum levels. Lads going around ateing sliced pans all day would be destroying the fauna of their intestinal tracts. No wonder they’d be getting sick all the time.

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Lovely bit of grub for the tea

Would you ever try the salmon without the burned herb crust, or do you like the burned taste?

I love it

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Mac attack!