Re: Boys on the internet versus girls on the internet

Smited your auld one last night

Some excellent points here lads. The birds in my work do spend ages looking at sky news entertainment news and the likes but certainly the forums thing is true.

As there’s so much karma changing going on I’ve just smited Farmer - nothing in particular, I cannot believe he was in the negative single figures.

Your sister’s always on that sky news showbiz news crap rock. Would’ve expected better from the rock family.

Seriously? That’s a fuckin disgrace. I’ll try and put an end to that.

We’re all starting to sound like men from the 50’s, especially Rock with his last comment, which by the way I thought was hilarious.

There is also the prawn factor, which guys would tend to use a slight bit more than girls.

I look at it for the articles.

Smite for having a frumpy sister.

Good comeback