Re: Champions League - Round of 8

I’ve heard you’re a barstooler so I would stop being so all high and mighty about slagging off your compatriots

You are a barstooler, im a barstooler too. I crack fuckos heads open with them

Delighted with the draw. Think we’ll get to the final now. Rather play Chelsea than Valencia but think Valencia will win that one. I’ll go for United-Bayern as the other semi with Bayern to pay them back for 99.

good draw for liverpool. i agree with gerrardno1 comments about Koeman. Hopefully hard work and good organisation will only get liverpool so far. would be good for the competition to see them knocked out.

What is with all this ‘Liverpool play woeful football’ and it would be better for the competiton if they were knocked out? At least we created chances in our two legs in the last 16 unlike a certain other team I know…