Re: General Election Thurs 24th May

that is a comment that I would expect to read in the Sunday Independent.

Ah donā€™t tell me youā€™re falling for it too.

For the record Iā€™ve a lot of time for aspects of SF and will have them near my number 1 choice on the ballot paper but they have certain policies that are contradictory and unsupportable by a left wing party. Why donā€™t you address the real issue piper or raven? Why donā€™t you acknowledge that political donations lead to corruption? I know Raven wonā€™t concede the point because heā€™s just being contrary.

Piper though youā€™ve come on the thread and made no contribution to the debate other than a single line comment about one aspect of the debate. Why donā€™t you actually stay through to your convictions and concede that SF are completely wrong and unsupportable on this position? Or do you genuinely believe that donations should be allowed?

I thought your comment about buckets in Glasgow was totally uncalled for. Do you really believe that money collected at these gigs goes to SF and if so what evidence do you have to support such a claim?
For the record I am opposed to SF or any other party accepting donations. I think there is evidence that some parties have been influenced by these donations in their decision making or policies. In fairness though I canā€™t see how SF accepting donations has influenced them (doesnā€™t make it right though).

The heat is on Bertie over that loan to Celia. A raft of opposition politicians have called on him to issue a public statement including Sargent and Mary Lou. Rabbitte said heā€™s happy for the Mahon Tribunal to continue its work. With the tribunal continuing right up to before the election this could a very serious issue.

itā€™s my understanding bandage that the Mahon Tribunal will not reconvene now until after the general election as Bertie would not be in a position to defend himself, although i am open to correction on this.

As for Rabbitte saying that heā€™s happy for the Tribunal to continue its work, his reasoning is purely selfish in that he said himself the last time he came outā€™all guns blazingā€™ and asking Bertie for answers he went down 5 points in a subsequent opinion poll and Bertie went up 5, so it stands to reason that he doesnt want a similar result this time around.

Could be wrong myself stevie G. I read an interview with Bertie in The Tribune on Sunday and I thought he said he was disappointed with the Mahon Tribunal continuing up to 2 weeks before the election. As I say, I could be wrong. I take your point on Rabbitte. Itā€™s a kind of strange Irish mentality the way people will go ā€˜ah give him a break, sure he was only getting a dig out from his friendsā€™ instead of being taken aback that a public figure should have such questionable finances. Probably why Rabbitteā€™s steering clear of it this time.

Yeah Mahon tribunal wonā€™t open again until after the election. the silence of main opposition parties while expected is disappointing.

Iā€™m waiting for the Daily Mail to break something big on Bertie. Thereā€™s an old story about him that has resurfaced recently and apparently the Daily Mail have some evidence to that effect.

In the meantime Sargent is the only leader to have launch any sort of questioning about the latest payment allegations - the others are running scared.

More brilliantly inaccurate analysis Raven.

Youā€™re obviously hugely familiar with Sargentā€™s statements on the six counties are you?

And McDowell isnā€™t doing any dirty work for FF. The greens thereaten the PDā€™s far more than anyone else. In nearly every PD seat constituency thereā€™s a Green TD also.

well done to greens and sinn fein. very disappointing that they are the only two who have been vocal on the issue. while fg and labour might say that their ratings went down when they attacked bertie last time this really just proves that all they are interested in is polls and have little or no principles. whatever is popular among public opinion they shape their policies around. reactve politics rather than proactive.

FG, Labour donā€™t just have no principles - they are also worried about Joan Burtonā€™s role in Quarryvale, Lowryā€™s tribunal verdict etc.

Out of interest what have SF said on the issue. I didnā€™t see them quoted, but I presume someone made a statement.

i think mary lou macdonald said bertie should clear up the issue now. similar to what sargent said if i remember correctly.

Yeah I was thinking that was the case alright Raven. Then I remembered how you said before that the media were right wing. So I wondered why theyā€™d print a statement from a left-wing party like the Greens and not from a centrist party like Sinn Fin (who just reneged on their opposition to bin taxes and changed their corporation tax policy).

This socialism lark is tough to stick to when all you want is power.