Re: Irish squad for San Marino

So that’s your problem? Me giving out about the Irish team? What do you want me do? Sit here and say nothing. Watch my country give a performance like that and sit on my hands?

You see its all very well from you. If you are who I think you are, then you grew up with soccer. My first sport has always been GAA and always will be.

If I gave out about my county team having never contributed to my club then fair enough.

I don’t think that you have addressed a single point I have made through all of this. You sit there and type random abuse without ever reading my response

You know what Raven - you’re not worth it

If you are who I think you are

Just to intervene here I’d be astonished if ye’ve ever met or heard of eachother.

Thought Raven was a member of the Rock family - obviously not

Its Liverpool I support - but nevermind

Should you Raven not start supporting the GAA, seeing its our national sport?

Ok don’t know where I’m going with this - anger just took over

farmer just because somebody doesn’t support a team in england doesn’t mean they hate the coutry. at least try and base your argument on some logic without going around making wild accusations all the time

First para of Stan’s wikipedia entry:

Stephen Staunton (born 19 January 1969 in Drogheda, Republic of Ireland) was a professional footballer who enjoyed a distinguished career with Liverpool and Aston Villa, he also became the Republic of Ireland’s most capped player. He is currently the Republic of Ireland manager.It was considered to be a strange decison as it is regarded that Staunton couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery. He was only hired because he was a drinking mate with the chief executive of the FAI John Delaney. He just doesn’t have clue. He should go back to coaching fucking Walsall.

Pot kettle African American

People are having great fun with these today. First para of the FAI’s wikipedia page:

‘The Football Association of Ireland (FAI)Are a bunch of Fucking useless cunts that should be taken out and shot. Everything that they touch turns to ash. wheither it’s the Eircom League, all the money that they blew after the 1990 & 1994 world Cups, the Building of Eircom Park, The Roy keane incident, The Sacking Of Brian Kerr after he did the best that he could right down to the Appiontment of a man without no managerial experience and who talks through his arse…Mr Steve Staunton! the organising body for the sport of association football (soccer) in the Republic of Ireland. It should not be confused with the Irish Football Association (IFA), which is the organising body for the sport in Northern Ireland.’

Oh yeah.

Farmer, enough of the pontificating. When are you going to hold your hands up and accept responsibility for our defeat last night?

From The Guardian:

Stan gets Ireland into another fine mess

The knives are out for Steve Staunton after Ireland’s humiliating victory over San Marino last night, and so they should be.

Barry GlendenningFebruary 8, 2007 01:27 PM

In the fourth minute of added time in last night’s only Euro 2008 qualifier, the Republic of Ireland bundled home a winner they scarcely deserved against the 198th ranked team in the world. The goal prompted celebrations that would have looked excessive if they’d just won the World Cup final.

Stephen Ireland’s strike ensured a 2-1 victory over the butchers, bakers and candlestick-makers of San Marino, but it’s a measure of how far the Irish have plummeted under Steve Staunton that many supporters would have preferred the humiliation that not scoring would have entailed.

Having run the gauntlet of the screaming fans who paid large amounts of their own money to shiver in awe through yet another staggeringly gutless performance, Ireland’s hapless manager was left rooting around for positives like a pig in search of truffles. “We showed fighting spirit,” he declared. “We controlled the game from start to finish. We’re grateful for the three points.”

Grateful for three points against San Marino after attempting to sit on a one-goal lead - has it really come to this?

Having played the worst team in Europe twice and played more times than any other team in Group D, Ireland currently sit third with a goal difference of just +2, having been turned into an international laughing stock by both the San Marino Arms and Cyprus & Duck.

And despite increasingly preposterous platitudes from Stan and his players about turning corners, tides and points, the qualification jig couldn’t be more up if it overdosed on Viagra. Small wonder, then, that the knives are out for Staunton in the Irish media: Stan as Kermit the Frog … Stan as Steve McQueen … Standalous - if Ireland’s footballers went about their work with half as much gusto as the country’s tabloid subs and picture editors, qualification for Euro 2008 would be a formality.

Meanwhile in the broadsheets, the focus has been the Ireland manager’s apparent inability to appreciate the depths of the international abyss into which his team finds itself freefalling. “Jesus wept,” wrote Tom Humphries, not knowing how else to begin his survey of the carnage in the Irish Times. “Ireland’s ineptitude defied description. The Irish manager seemed content, though, that ‘we had four chances after they scored. That showed tremendous spirit’.”

Staunton, unsurprisingly, insists that even if Ireland hadn’t scraped home, he wouldn’t have fallen on his sword. And while it would be foolish of anyone to try and predict what the buffoonish panjandrums of the Football Association of Ireland would do in any given set of circumstances, the demands from the cheapseats for John Delaney’s head will not have gone unnoticed by the blazer-in-chief. It was Delaney who appointed Staunton after promising the country “a world-class coach”. Plying his trade on Paul Merson’s resolutely unsuccessful coaching staff at the time, Stan wasn’t even Walsall class.

Jobs for the boys, we call it at home. But while it would hurt Delaney to knife his old drinking and golfing buddy in the back so soon after his appointment, it’s an unpleasant task no FAI official worth his salt would think twice about committing in the interests of self-preservation. Now thanks to Ireland’s late, late tap-in, both men have bought themselves time that they don’t deserve.

By my non supporting of an Eircom League club you mean?

Saw an earlier version of that where they mention the IFA were a pack of huns. If you try to get in there now it says that you cannot edit until a dispute has been resolved

why should they become a feeder clun for reading - not exactly aiming for the stars

have a stronger league & if players do go abroad be reimbursed properly for this-this will improve the league further & so on

That is exactly what I would like to see, however let’s be realistic, because if the size of our country there is not enough interest to support a league that would be capable of providing the quality of national team player that we require, i.e. I can’t see a time when an Eircom League player willl be an automatic choice for Ireland in the near future. What we should be aiming for is to bring players to a certain level, protect them from getting swallowed up by the English game, (Stephen Bradley anyone?) and then if they are good enough let them go and be happy to let them go.

I grew up in an era when Irish players played in the top European leagues with the top teams and frankly I don’t want to be relying on small league for our national team.

I always presumed your Bristol City affections were just a joke - didn’t know you actually followed them.

You better believe it Rocko. Really looking forward to the replay with Boro next week too, should be a cracker.

Im on board with you tinnion, BRING BACK BALL OX

Scotland isn’t much bigger than Ireland. Even excluding the big two clubs in Glasgow they have produced clubs like Hibs, Hearts, Aberdeen, Dundee United etc. That should be our aim.