Re: Irish squad for San Marino

I’m on board with ya the Bandage, its as funny as the Irish performance tonight which was one of the funniest things I’ve seen in ages. Jimmy Uzbekistan, legend hi5

Fuck me that Jimmy Uzbekistan was some player on his day - bad knee injury in the end ruined him though.

Words fail me when trying to describe how pathetic that performance was yesterday. Shockingly inept in every area of the park. When they played us at Lansdowne they really were laughably bad - the worst international team I’d ever seen, a different league completely to Liechtenstein and the Faroe Islands. These guys are atrocious.

Last night San Marino couldn’t even create a proper chance. They’d one low cross from the left and they defended alright but they really were awful. But one hopeless punt upfield, one horrible misunderstanding, a shocking, shocking error from a goalkeeper and they scramble an equaliser. It was actually hilarious.

I could not believe Staunton’s post match interviews - the comments about “great fighting spirit” when they equalised. For Christ’s sake. That’s not fucking spirit. That just shows how badly we’d been playing that we could carve them open when we attacked with urgency. The comments about San Marino being a difficult place to come. Eejit. And then I heard on the radio (not sure whether this was the TV3 interview or what) but he said something ridiculous along the lines of: Ireland are always stronger in March - we took a risk playing in February but we got the 3 points.

Sickens me even more the more I think of it, its’ San Marino - a crowd of part timers for Christ sake. Staunton going on about how it’s a difficult place to go!!! JESUS!!! You f**kin muppet.

If he has any decency, or Delaney has any decency he will be gone. Depressing thing is there are a whole lot of decent replacements out there. Who in their right mind would touch the job?

Staunton and Delaney both must go. Stan is pissing me off the more i see him, dour cnut. The interview was a shambles at the end, he hasn’t a clue how to deal with things. Big stupid looking head on him.

Just a word also on TV3’s brutal presentation. heard it described this morning as akin to an eastern european presentation in the 1980’s. Also the pundits are like Sky and the BBC where they are afraid to criticise anyone too heavily.

Two things:

  1. If Staunton doesn’t get sacked now then I will not support an Irish team that care so little about being successful that they would keep such an inept and incompetent manager in place

  2. Ronnie Whelan, Kevin Moran and John Aldridge, three Irish legends, sat there analysing last night, and only Moran spoke up and said that the performance was unacceptable. They are a shower of yes men. Sickened me

I thought Aldridge was pretty honest in his analysis. Moran seemed more supportive of Staunton than Aldridge from what I could see.

From having a perfectly reasoned debate at the start, you have suddenly turned mental

Do you fucking support an Irish club? Don’t for one fucking minute say Celtic because they are not Irish and by supporting them you contribute diddly squat to Irish football

Piss off with your anti-English sentiment and grow up

I think Aldridge is a bit tied by the fact everyone thought he was bitter over not being interviewed for the job in the first place. He’s trying to be supportive to Staunton because he doesn’t want to come across as letting his personal feelings get in the way of his analysis. Picking 3 guys of the same era of Staunton to analyse his performances as manager is a stupid decision anyway.

Don’t tell me that I have no right to support my country just because I don’t support an Irish club. You have a problem with the system and I think that I am a victim of the system. There was no football club in my area where I grew up so I never had an allegiance to any club. Of course I will have an allegiance to my country and I don’t feel that I have less of a right to voice my opinion just because I don’t force myself to support an Irish club

You have to remember that GAA is the primary sport in Ireland so we are at a disadvantage soccer wise. I also think that England has produced many top class players for us so don’t bite the hand that feeds you

Yeah that is probably true about Aldridge though i think he was frank enough last night. listening to the radio now and they are putting up the argument sure who would take the job if staunton was sacked. it’s a silly argument especially when aldridge who has a very good managerial record imo would take it in a flash and would have been a far better appointment than stan in the first place

In the middle of this argument Im going to post something relevant to the original subjext matter of this thread. This says it all about the madness that is Steve Staunton.

Notice the third link


I’m going to go back to, what I consider to be, one of my finest metaphorical moments.

When it was apparent that Brian Kerr was an absolute charlatan I wanted him out ASAP.

Some people said, ‘But there’s nobody there to replace him.’

I said, ‘If you have a car and its engine blows up and the car is of no use to anybody you don’t just refuse to replace it because three might not be a better car available in the market.’

Stan, Stan, he has a 4 year plan.

Hang on - I am not saying that there are not problems. Of course there are. Of course it would be much better if we ‘fed ourselves’ as you put it. But you give out about the English coaching our players have received which is what I have a problem with. Look at the quality of players that have been produced over the years. You don’t need me to list them.

I take umbridge with you blindly saying that we should be producing our own players here. Soccer is very much the second sport in Ireland behind the massive vehicle that is the GAA. That is why we have a semi professional league. It also has to do with the sheer ineptitude of the FAI. What I am saying to you is that the day of us bringing through our own players is a long way away and you need to get grounded in reality.

And also don’t give me grief for giving out about a team that I have supported since a boy just because, unlike you, I grew up in a place where soccer was not played…

Thats absolute rubbish to say young players in England are being told to kick and rush and that agression is better than skill. What makes you an expert on the English coaching methodology?

I dont think this started out as Farmer crying the loudest when the team is beaten. He is an Irishman who is disillusioned with the current team and management. why the hell is his natural progression to support England?

In the world cup the English problem lay with the manager. They underachieved. I am not buying into the hype of saying they should have won the competition but they are better than they showed in Germany. While the Dutch model is the one everyone looks at and quotes, exactly what have they achieved? They have never even won the world cup. Players of equal ability are being produced in England.

While it would be lovely if we were producing players at home and had a world class league here its never gonna happen. The players from here who are good enough to go to England are receiving top class coaching, something that cant be found here.

The fault of the manager? Solely?

Do you honestly believe that?

I watched a team that couldn’t pass the ball from a) to<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif myself.

Right Fingal - let me get this straight - if I don’t go to Eircom league games I have no right to complain when the national team loses? Get to f**k.

I’m involved with my local club, that is my contribution to football in this country. Up to this point in my life there has been no Eircom league team within 60miles of me so until Wexford Youths FC was formed the Eircom league had no interest whatsoever for me so what am I supposed to do? Manufacture a false interest in som random team just so I have aright to complain about Irish football? Get to f**k.

You are exhibiting the stereotypical image of the Eircom league fan on his high horse, I’ve heard it all before, I’ve heard it all before.

The dutch have a smaller population but are equal success wise (2 world cup finals -1 EC)to the english as structurally & coaching wise they are better

This is what we are up against. A guy who is so blinded in his hatred for the English that he comes up with a crazy, unbeliveable statement like that. England have won one World Cup. Holland have none. English clubs have won numerous more Eurpean titles than Holland so that statement is wrong.

why should we as a nation accepts the crumbs they throw at us

They don’t throw crumbs at us. The Irish team is made up of the players that left Ireland for England. That statement is wrong as well. Again hatred for England.

and until barstool football fans like farmer realise that going to games & contributing to Irish football is better than contributing to English football we will never improve

Why should I go to a match that I have no interest in, through no fault of my own?

You’re correct Raven - this is getting tiresome but you seem intent on picking a fight

I don’t follow a team abroad Fingal, have strong affections for Bristol City as I see them several times a year when I visit the area for personal reasons and I have a strong affection for Arsenal becuase of the way they play football.

As for the solution to Irish football feeder clubs for th bigger leagues are the way forward. Take note I never criticised the Eircom League or the notion of it, I criticised your attitude to Farmer. I truly hope Wexford Youths FC can become a feeder club for Reading. The Kevin Doyle example is what we need more of, keep players here until they are 21/22 and let them go to the UK then.

don’t follow a team abroad Fingal, have strong affections for Bristol City as I see them several times a year when I visit the area for personal reasons and I have a strong affection for Arsenal becuase of the way they play football.

I always presumed your Bristol City affections were just a joke - didn’t know you actually followed them.

As for the solution to Irish football feeder clubs for th bigger leagues are the way forward. Take note I never criticised the Eircom League or the notion of it, I criticised your attitude to Farmer. I truly hope Wexford Youths FC can become a feeder club for Reading. The Kevin Doyle example is what we need more of, keep players here until they are 21/22 and let them go to the UK then.

I really think that’s terribly unambitious. Why aim to be subservient to English clubs? I do agree that if players want to move overseas that it’s better they do so when they’re in their early 20s than when they’re 15 or whatever but our aim should not be to provide labour for England.