Expand on the inequality point - you just can’t say something like that without explaining it
Great post Appendage - too many people criticise the actions of the government without actually offering any alternative course. The fact is that there is a problem with crime and something needs to be done
To be fair the point is obvious - the primary cause of crime is poverty. That applies anywhere. For a country that pats itself on the back about our economy so often we have one of the most injust, inequal societies in the developed world - second only to the United States in disparity between the rich and the poor. And take a look at the crime rates in the US. They are astronomical. The prison population is ridiculous now. In 2004 over 10% of black men between the ages of 25 and 29 were in prison (in that year alone, not just ever in prison). 25% of the world’s prison population is based in the US. Is this the road we want to follow?
Borrowing ideas from the US (mandatory sentencing for “3 strikes” etc) is only going to reinforce the divisions in society and lead us down the same sorry path. Why should we borrow ideas (and police chiefs) from the most crime-ridden country in the developed world? It’s pure nonsense.
Erradicate poverty, or try to at least, and a fall in crime will follow. It’s obvious.
If anyone watched that opinion poll programme on RT a couple of weeks back there was a really telling moment. The undecided voters were asked what were the major issues for them going into the next election. One or two fools said “non-nationals” and I’d say half the people there said “health” and another third said “crime.” So they asked everyone all these questions about crime:
Is it on the increase?
Is society more dangerous?
Are we doing enough to stop crime?
The whole place were all agreed that it’s a really dangerous island now and there’s crime everywhere and people are getting away with murder. Then in the room of 100 people or however many it was they were asked how many people had suffered from crime - one guy had a lawnmower stolen from his shed. Nobody else was a victim of crime at all.
But this doesn’t suit the politicians at all of course. McDowell should be trying to play down crime but that’s not his style - he’s power hungry so he talks up the fear so he can get his powers increased. Fine Gael need to hype it up to because Enda wants to be “tough on crime.” The whole thing is a fucking smokescreen. Nobody wants to tackle the underlying causes because there’s no votes in that. Plenty of votes in creating fear though.
Poverty is an obvious problem, but that is not going to be changed overnight. Until such time as poverty has been eradicated we need deterents. If someone commits a crime and gets prison then so what? There are sick bastards in this country doing time for sex offences that get out in 2 years because of the legislation and prisoner friendly system we have. 2 fucking years. And don’t tell me they’re ill and need help.
To say that the crime issue is all a smokescreen is wide of the mark. A political tool possibly but it is a major issue. Can only speak of my own immediate area, but am aware of 4 robberies and 2 attempted robberies in the last 18 months. 1 was an armed robbery. That type of thing does instill fear, like it or not. And doesn’t include some bastard breaking into my car in Dublin.
As for America, read Freakonomics recently and he put forward an intersting theory on NYC’s zero tolerance under Mayor Rudi. Reckons it was the legalisation of abortion that kept millions of potential criminals off the street. Millions of women who felt unable to rear a kid aborted, and when that generation should’ve been in their crime prime, the crime rate dropped significantly.
Basically the mayor and his police chief got the credit when it was going to happen anyway because of the lack of potential criminals. Does that clear it up for you Bandage? Do you know any thick cops? CPOs etc…
I think crime is a problem alright. Our house in Dublin was broken into last week (don’t worry the porno stash was left untouched) but I don’t think the law needs drastic amendment. Aren’t most of the suspects for the recent gangland hits in Dublin out on bail according to reports (I know I should be wary to believe the press) but what I’m getting at is if there was stricter enforcement of the laws as they currently stand then serious crime would be reduced.
A proper social government programme would obviously help to combat poverty and the lesser crimes that are carried out by the disaffected youth looking for money for their next fix etc.
Either way, McDowell’s measures are incredibly draconian and something you’d expect to see in the Middle Ages.
The outstanding Bloc Party sum up the state of the media driven world at the moment.
I’m sitting on the roof of my house
With a shotgun and a six pack of beer
The newscaster says “the enemy’s among us!”
As bombs explode on the 30 bus
Kill that middle class indecision
Now is not the time for liberal thought
So I go hunting for witches
Heads are going to roll
So I go hunting
1990’s, optimistic as a teen
But now its terror, airplanes crash into towers
The Daily Mail says “the enemy’s among us!”
“Taking our women and taking our jobs”
All reasonable thought is being drowned out
By the non-stop baying, baying for blood
So I go hunting for witches
Heads are going to roll
So I go hunting
I was an ordinary man, with ordinary desire
I watched TV it informed me
I was an ordinary man with ordinary desire
There must be accountability
Disparate and misinformed
Fear keeps us all in place