Re: Meath v Dublin

He had another one earlier that connected (can’t remember who it was on) so he got away with two. I agree that they were making too much of it probably but as an illustration of the prick that is Geraghty it was perfect.

He only got away with one though. The ref gave a free the first time he clipped Henry. It was the second belt on Henry that he got way with. As a neutral I’d be disappointed if Geraghty was suspended for the replay. I want to see players of his talent on the pitch. By all means suspend him if he does something atrocious but I thought it was a complete over reaction today. I can’t help but think it’s a follow on from Thurles last Sunday and after the media frenzy all week McStay felt he had to be seen to come down strong on it.

Don’t know if this was shown on televison but at half time a pocketful of Meath fans were escorted from the Hill. I saw a few bottles being thrown at them. It was more of a scene from a soccer match.

The general consensus that it was a poor game??? Fookin hardly. Not perfect football but enough good play, hard tackling and controversy to warrant at least a rating of good?

Really pissed off to read Breheny banging on about the 1.25 mill the GAA will collect as a result of the replay. Why should that be such a big deal? Trying to portray the GAA as money hungry fooks, typical fucking journos. Stick to the job boys, and practice a bit coz most of you a shit at it. 25 a skull is fantastic value for 2 senior football championship matches.

Dublin didn’t look jaded either mate, savage work rate from them right up to the final whistle. I think it was the last ball that went up the field towards the hill and Cullen was tearing up on the outside to support the ball carrier. Fantastic stamina.

I don’t think either side can have excuses, the Dubs started quickly so the first game syndrome had nothing to do with not winning.

Saw a Meath lad gulping from a bottle of Smirnoff on the hill on TV. Classy stuff.

Geraghty is a tramp on the field no doubt but what he did doesn’t warrant suspension. Will Brian Farrell be back the next day? Young Bray was reminisicent of Bernie Flynn yesterday, with points off his right and left.

Did anyone read that long chinned wanker Eamon Sweeney revelling in the wrestling match in Thurles? Wanker - what happened was wrong but those cunts will have to remember that those lads(well particularly the Clare team) don’t get paid for their efforts and as such cannot be castigated like pros. Fat, talentless fucks like Sweeney get paid for their opinions on these lads so he should cop the fuck on. In any case, if a row had been expected like that Semple Stadium would’ve been jammed.

Yeah, how anybody could class that as a poor game is beyond me. Maybe the frustration at Dublin blowing another handy lead clouded raven’s judgement?

I was appalled by that image of the young lad swigging away from a naggin of vodka on the Hill. To some people it appears that getting tanked up is more important than actually watching the game. Then they go in and make a show of themselves shouting abusive comments at the players. Quite frankly it disgusts me.

Replay is part of the double header with Wexford/Louth on at 2.10 and Dublin/Meath at 4. Hopefully will be alright for a ticket as it wont be shown on the Sunday game. Should have really been on a Saturday I feel so at least people who couldn’t go would be able to see it.

I didnt think it was quite the classic that it has been billed as.

It was close and competitive but I thought the quality of play was poor at times. Perhaps the conditions had something to do with it.

Meath can feel hard done by with Geraghty’s goal being chalked off and Brogan clearly in the square before it arrived.

I can see the replay being another close battle. I honestly hope Geraghty isn’t suspended for the replay. A couple of sly digs is part and parcel of the game.

Both The Times and The Indo have started campaigns to get the replay televised live. They’re suggesting moving it to Saturday or playing it at around 5.30pm on the Sunday after the Tyrone-Donegal and Cork-Waterford games. There will be some drunk fookers at the game if the second option is chosen. The Leinster Council Chairman said moving it from 4pm on Sunday week is not an option however.

It does seem a pity not to show it live. I know they’ve no room in the schedule the way things stand but there’s massive interest in the game and when it’s going to sell out anyway they can surely arrange something with tv coverage.

What galls me is the last time Wexford played Louth in Dublin I was there at Parnell Park supporting the Championship as a neutral. I had always intended attending the rematch but these Johnny Come Lately fans will fill the whole stadium. Unless Bandage sorts me out for a ticket I probably won’t be there. Fingal is right in between Dublin and Meath - you’d think we’d be catered for.

I remember that game in 2004. Even mrsrock attended such was the media build up to that Parnell Park clash. Yet another game where Matty Forde missed a penalty. It’ll be an absolute shame if loyal championship supporters can’t be facilitated on Sunday week though. Sometimes it must be galling coming from Fingal - you don’t even have a county board from whom you can apply for tickets. I just hope the guy in the Manchester United jersey who stood on the Hill in 2005 and fired a flare at Redmond Barry as he was about to take a penalty gets one though. These are the real supporters that need looking after.

Rock, the leinster council have tickets on sale. Give them a shout from 9.30am on 057-8682000. Ya might be on hold for a while but ya should get sorted eventually

3 Raven

looks like the game will be shown live on RTE at the same time as Waterford vs Cork in Munster semi final. One on RTE1 and the other on RTE2…something of a first I would have thought

meself, DB snr and brother.

believe me it wouldnt have been a tough choice…heading for lovely leitrim this evening as it happens

Meath are a team full of bogmonsters. I would say Geraghty is primordial slime but that would be an insult to the slime.