Referendum 2024

The respected legal eagle McDowell won on points.

Champagne socialist Bacik had nothing other than we can’t discriminate against single parent families - who aren’t discriminated against as things stand.


Still moving in No’s favour. Very low turnout expected, which side will be more inclined to actually vote?

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And there you go.The state want to wash their hands of us.If you can’t look after your own,tough shit.


Leo views the world through his own middle class privileged lens. Not for the first time displaying thinly disguised contempt for poor people.


Middle class?

Varadkar is as upper class establishment as you’ll get.


Brian Lenihan said the same thing. Said in years gone by families minded each other and didn’t expect the state to always step in. An example might be should a teenage unmarried mother live at home with her parents rather than expect her own state funded home.

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They could bring back the magdalene laundries for such types.

Leo is a prick.

But that’s nothing to do with this referendum. And Michael McDowell’s conservative approach to society is even more old fashioned and contemptuous of the poor.


Straw man

McDowell is nowhere near as contemptuous of the poor as this govt

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A huge amount of teenage mothers do live with their parents but sometimes thats just not an option. In that clip leo is basically saying ‘tough shit’ to people who find themselves in that situation. Poor form for the taoiseach to be peddling that sort of shit.

Nobody is debating that. The fact is resources are limited so every choice of where you allocate a resource means another area loses out.

Resources wouldn’t be so limited if there wasn’t such wastage and financial imprudence across the system

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Leo Varadkar isnt the state mate. There’s an entire working ( albeit sometimes poorly) apparatus that houses homeless and pays rent for people and gives out affordable housing and council houses to people. And we get childrens allowance and medical cards and free gps for some ages and a host of other shit for many many people. Leo is not the state. Leo is a cunt passing through it. Id say he cant wait to fuck off to europe.


Well Leo is putting it for debate when he says stupid shit like he did in the clip above

Tintin has seen which way the wind is blowing… we may as well throw the hat at it now and put the mortgage on a no vote

Senator Tom Clonan was very impressive on the Six One news earlier. Totally destroyed the bint in the Yes camp who had nothing other than sound bites like ‘archaic’ and ‘discriminatory’.