Rem rip

any band that plays in fingal gets kudos-saw them the back of skerries one night playing a few tunes

Ardgillon castle? I was there mate. What a gig.

Their last great song. Cant get the actual album version on YouTube so this will have to do.


I can understand how you’d get little enjoyment from them, Puke. Night swimming in Clonlara involves a small duck pond and the headlights of a Ferguson 135.

At My Most Beautiful and Daysleeper were great songs. The early stuff too. Radio Free Europe. Good band actually.


:lol: :clap:

Shiny Happy People will always be one of the oddest occurrences in music as far as I’m concerned.

The amount of references to Shiny Happy People in reference to REMs legacy is ridiculous. It’s one song. Every band have their shit songs but for people to write off REM on the basis of that is ridiculous. Clearly they have never heard any of their other stuff.


Shiny Happy People is a great song. Do people say it’s shit?? The guitar riff is absolutely superb. Everybody Hurts…now THAT’S a shit song. They’d even say that themselves.

REM hate Shiny Happy People. They left it off their greatest hits collection, even though it’s their greatest hit.

Everybody Hurts is on it.

REM are idiots

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Michael Stipe looking a bit worse for the wear of late.

He looks a bit on edge there

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Bono has really let himself go. Still, the man has great taste in glasses.

Fuck sake I thought this was gonna be about a reunion and world tour.