Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Population density per country can be a misleading figure anyways. Sweden wouldn’t be far off Norway overall population density wise but the geography of the countries means there are big differences. Norway’s population is clustered in high density pockets around the coasts with absolutely nobody living in the mountainous inland. Sweden would have a more moderate density over a greater area in the flatter south of the country, but the north is empty.

Some restrictions but not like other Scandinavian counties. The chap is scathing of them at the start actually.

Well he states there that they have tripled ICU capacity so they obviously weren’t sure themselves.

Sorry that is poorly worded- more excess deaths. His point in the video and stated on here by @ironmoth over and over is that many of the deaths from this would happen anyway in a few months. To be as so crude as to say they would die in a few months anyway is wrong, as nobody should be robbed of time on earth. You can do that by protecting them.

Excess deaths from this should be viewed as those taken solely because of this virus. And also factored into that should be the deaths caused by lockdown restrictions, because there will be some in the longer view.

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I thought we’d been over this

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The national emergency unit in Stockholm have been on this since day one, they don’t hysteria


That’s so true! The USA gets slated on here (and yes we all know that Trump is an idiot and all that, which he is), but the guidelines in the States are much more restrictive than in Sweden and 44 of 50 states have a lower death rate than Sweden. But, of course, that does not fit the narrative for some people.


There’s several studies demonstrating that sunlight kills the virus, and UV light is being used to kill the virus on surfaces.

It’s not about “narrative”, it’s about facts. Sweden’s approach seems crazy to me but unlike the US, they at least have a population which has a broadly high level of education and doesn’t reject science or treat science as a “lefty conspiracy”. Neither does the Swedish PM reject science, and he hasn’t called the virus a hoax.

The US has a ruling regime which rejects science, and has a president which called the virus a hoax and said it would go away like a miracle.

The US’s response has objectively been the worst of any first world country and arguably the worst of any in the entire world. Only Brazil has arguably as irresponsible a leader, and I dont think even he’s quite as bad, you could argue it though.

At this stage you’d have to say that Trump actively wants a lot of people to die as it will make it easier for him to rig the election in November, which anybody who follows US politics and has their head screwed on realises is a strong likelihoood.

You can’t say that about any other major country bar perhaps Brazil.

The US’s total failure and humiliation in front of the world, and the total proving right of all those who correctly warned of the dangers of Trump right from the start have been very difficult things for the loony far right culture warrior brigade to deal with here and their response has frequently been genuinely sociopathic over the last few weeks as their entire worldview has come crashing down around them.

It’s fascinating how far out on the ledge some people are capable of going. There’s a lad on boards arguing that Trump wants to see as many people dead as possible, and this is part of the capitalist conspiracy. Besides the utter insanity involved, it doesn’t even make any logical sense, dead people don’t buy anything and are of no use to a capitalist.


That’s worrying projection, don’t do it, mate, sure who would I have to humiliate on here then?

You’re an unhinged loon. Jaysus.


Really? But you didn’t explain why? You’re a great man for statements, not so much for debate.

Waste of time debating with you. Id be surprised if anyone even reads the reams of shite you produce on here anyway. It is an annoyance having to scroll past your nonsense though. But work away screaming into the abyss ya nut if it makes you feel better. :smiley:


So you weren’t able to answer. :smile:

And you said “screaming”, thinking that somehow constitutes a “point”.

Ah, class.

You loonies just keep proving me right every time you post.

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The tone of your response implies that everyone in the USA is a Trump supporter, with a low level of education, and is a right wing looney – and that is not the case . . . (I have already said in previous posts that Trump is the worst president to have, especially at this time) . . . not everyone in the US is a right wing, uneducated, gun carrying nut case, who believes the virus is a hoax. And thankfully there are many Governors and leaders of individual states (both Republican and Democrat) who are managing this quite well (in comparison to other countries).

You probably should have just left it at that.

Fair enough, I suppose I will . . . I might even allow myself to get brainwashed into the same mindset as others on this forum:
Ireland = Good; Europe = Good; Russia = Good; China = Good . . . and, of course the USA = Bad

Ireland’s alright, Europe is mostly alright, the US, China and Russia are all led by madmen, who, to veer into Rocky speak, are bad, bad men.