Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

South Korea had the experience of dealing with MERS in 2015.

This experience prompted them to delevop a very useful tracing technology for infectious diseases. They have had access to technology and data that the West has not yet developed.

Your health is your wealth.

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Excuse me?

Would you rather live to see an economic fallout or be buried 6 feet under?

The compliance with the lock down in my part of limerick city has been excellent all through I must say. People out and about but keeping their distance and small groups etc.

I’ve sensed a shift the last few days though. People are done with or getting lazy with it. I see groups of neighbours out talking, groups of people stopped up talking to each other on the road etc, that I hadn’t seen all along. I must admit I’m getting a bit lax myself.

It’s the same everywhere. The novelty wore off.

We don’t know how many could die, or how many could suffer in critical conditions if we go back to work and the level of transmission of the virus increases.

The state of the economy is more predicatble. Ultimately, less lives will be lost if we continue to isolate and maintain social distance, despite the economy plumetting.

How long are you personally willing to abide by the current restrictions? I have another 4-6 weeks myself.

If you accept the virus is here forever more than you are sentencing people to their deaths by staying in lock down. We HAVE to learn to live with the virus. The sooner we start to learn more lives will be saved.

It’s a very real possibility that there will never be a vaccine to this virus. People need to stop using that as an aim. It’s the equivalent of banning cars until one is built that can withstand hitting a wall at 100mph. It’s unlikely to ever happen.

If the government lift the restrictions, and I hope they do, it should be gradually. Provide cocooning people with high quality masks so they can leave their homes occasionally. Allow families to meet up. Allow businesses that can implement and enforce social distancing to open. Relax what constitutes an “essential journey” a bit eg buying clothes or hardware.


The lockdown is a joke. The mixed messages from the Govt are fucking it and people seeing business’s reopen and construction on a small scale getting going again is having an inevitable knock on effect. Theres people scratching there heads asking wait a minute wtf am I doing encossed like a prisoner and all day every day and this non essential activity going on. People will go with such draconion measures for the greater good but a lockdown is in for a penny in for a pound or it doesn’t work and our one has been half assed from the off just ask any guard

Leo also has been too lax, he’s done the odd bit of grandstanding and people have responded when he does but otherwise there is clearly no well thought out strategy of communicating A The Lockdown and B an exit strategy, all we hear instead is patronising codswollop and ad hoc juvenile tweets from idiots like Simon Harris.

Other Govts address their public directly daily not hide behind their chief medical doctor answering the same questions every day from George fucking Lee. The truth is the Govt have dropped the ball on the lockdown because they are way more concerned with holding onto power and all their real energy is going into forming the next Government. They cannot expect blanket adherence from the public when its clear as day they are not fully invested themselves.


Why isn’t it a viable option? I probably wouldn’t tell them to fuck off but they are unfortunately they are the most vulnerable so they need the most protection.

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You are a man of reason and wisdom batigol. I don’t think I’ve ever done such a U turn on a poster in my life.

I am very wisdomous


God bless all belonged to you.

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Is Herd Immunity actually factual? I can’t see where it says it will work. Now I’ve seen a few links to reports of those who have recovered from COVID19 but that have tested positive again.

Maybe you can enlighten me?

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This has been explained to you previously. If we don’t develop immunity naturally, then there is no hope of a vaccine ever working. What do we do in that case, stay in lockdown for all time?


You made that up.

Watching galway on the news . Disgraceful. 100s of people flocking to salthill.

I’ve got three separate calls to go for liquor tonight. I’m sure people will be surprised at how popular I am but the fact is most people have thrown their hat it. Weather is breaking next week and it’s going to rain for twelve months. The misery is going to be something else.