Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

People should be allowed make their own decision. Family next to me are in a very privileged position and all five of them tested. All tested positive and not one of them had so much of a head cold. If somebody wants to lock themselves up and wait it out let them off I reckon. We should be allowed make our own choices here. We are talking about a percent of a percent. On most graphs it wouldn’t even register.

Did they buy private tests?

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Ridiculous statement. If people were allowed to do as they please this virus would fuck us up entirely.

Figures going up in Spain and Italy again after they relaxed restrictions slightly. The same in Japan a few weeks back.

I’ll say one thing. This virus is showing some people up for what they really are. Stay at home to protect the vulnerable for fuck sake.


When I say do as they please I mean re work and attend funerals and that sort of thing. If the family is happy to have a funeral knowing the risks and somebody attends a funeral knowing the risks I see no problems.

Stay at home forever

It’s a complete myth that you are protecting the vulnerable. If the vulnerable want to cocoon or whatever that’s their business. They can put a sign outside their doors. We can organise services for them like drops offs and that sort of thing.

The virus isn’t Santa clause he can’t come down your chimney.

Does everyone at the funeral go into a strict 14 day isolation then? No shops etc.

If you are cocooning it doesn’t matter what other people do within reason.

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Nonsense. If everyone stays as home we are of course helping the vulnerable. Less transmission of the disease equals less people infected.

Not a viable option to just tell all the vulnerable or old people in the country to fuck off and cocoon for themselves while we go back to work etc. A few lads would want to get a grip on the definition of “suffering”.

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South Korea have proven you live some sort of normal life. We need to be following them.

Rubbish, people who are absolutely terrified of the virus will still attend funerals if given the opportunity, they mightn’t go to the shop or mass or leave their property but they’ll feel they have to pay their respects,


Sure what’s the point of sitting at home? There’s no end game. You won’t sit out. The virus is here now and it’s here to stay. There’ll be no vaccine. We have to learn and adapt ways to live with it. That’s the simple facts of the matter.

South Korea is the blue print. Leo is copying the brits. We should be copying South Korea.

Lads sitting on their hole at home waiting for a vaccine that may never arrive or be effective. Meanwhile the economy is being damaged to a degree that it will never recover

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There will be no vaccine and the lock down could cause more deaths than the virus it’s self. We need to start learning on how to adapt.

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The reality is at this very moment, nobody in the world can safely estimate as to how long this virus will be around for, so we’re better off doing what we can to protect those in a vulnerable state.

Of course the economy will have to get up and running again, but not currently with the level of transmission that the virus currently has. The damage that the virus may do to peoples’ lives if we stop isolating is far worse than the economic fallout of staying indoors.

South Korea have shown the way. They aren’t in lock down and are keeping the virus at bay.

And less likelihood of ever achieving herd immunity. Well done. You’ve just murdered hundreds of thousands.