Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

We know that.

Why are lads losing their minds over these current restrictions?
They will be relaxed when time is right.

Was out for a few hours on the bike. The likes of Islington is heaving. Pubs and cafes serving people through hatches on the front door. I’ve never seen so many people on Bikes around Westminster. lockdown is gone. The point where the public were on board is gone


Social distancing reduces the rate of spread, the likelihood of getting infected or infecting others. Most people infected don’t know they are infected, so if the vulnerable are to be protected you have to continue to practice social distancing around them at least.

The virus will only stop spreading when herd immunity is achieved, whether we abandon all restrictions and let it happen quickly, or stay on lockdown and it takes a few years. There has to be a middle ground that makes sense.


When is the time right in your opinion?

Last month.

When experts here say so, not some School Porter in Cali

Do you lads never get tired of repeating yourselves over and over, it must be awfully annoying,


Luckily Ireland has Conor McGregor

Another address to the nation by the Mc will ensure everyone keeps the lockdown going

Experts like Simon Harris?


People are social animals. Hard to rewire something that mankind has never done before. People have different mindsets and coping mechanisms. Hard to expect that a one size fits all approach to this will work. A large cohort of the most vulnerable over 70s arent even cocooning.

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Are you remotely teaching your students yet?

A gofer, a yes man is all Simon Harris is.

Masked slipped badly for him during the week.

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did you hear the shite that idiot came out with last week? about there being 18 previous viruses, thats why it is called covid19


Who are the experts in this conversation. Does one grouping I.e. the health experts have a monopoly on this or can it be sociologists, economists too? It’s the lack of a discernable plan that has people on edge I would think. I’m sure health experts would prefer to keep things locked down until there is a vaccine.


I’ve been doing that for the past 7 weeks, why are you so concerned? I’ve said it a few times now, it’s an awful lot more difficult than normal teaching


Good to know, don’t recall you mentioning it to be honest.

How are your students getting on? You’re still in CBS Sexton st are you?

All the talk has been of the Leaving Cert, Junior Cert and college crowd.

No talk of what’s going to happen to the current 6th class students that were due to start secondary in September.

I should clarify that it is the extrapolation for the Stockport and south Manchester areas.
I’m not saying it’s correct, and all it is is an extrapolation, but I have witnessed seven antibody tests I provided for friends, four of whom were frontline medics, none of whom tested positive, which leads me to think that it isn’t that widespread here.
Prior to this, I’d thought it was likely 30-40%.
Your post is absolutely spot on though. I couldn’t agree more

They’ll be shot

There’s bigger questions I suppose, they’ll start secondary school in September, what’s to discuss?