Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Last week of August usually no?

Up agin a wall in the middle of a field.

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Dont be silly now.

Woeful reply, did you copy & paste that?

By God, where? Name & shame these bastards.

Who are the experts in Ireland then that you have faith in?

Simon Harris, you dipstick.

If you are 70 plus and the death rate is a percent of a percent what’s the point of cocooning for twelve months? The odds aren’t really in your favour.

A dipstick is all you have to offer mate.
If I need advice on starting a lawnmower I’ll let you know.


The death rate for people with Covid-19 over 70 is very high.


Who are the experts here? Simon Harris? Journalism drop-out. Not an expert. Leo Varadkar? Part-time doctor. Not an expert. Tony Holohan. Part-time doctor. Not an expert.

Compare that with Sweden. Professor Johan Giesecke. Epidemiologist. Expert. Anders Tegnell. Epidemiologist. Expert.


Who are you? PM your credentials and we’ll make a call.

Tell ye what now lads. I’m no fg or leo or simon fan. Plus I’m sure they’ll be the first to admit that things could have gone better. But I’ll tell you one thing, I’ll follow their and holohan lead a hell of a ,ot quicker then those imbeciles in the White House or downing street


A low bar

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There isn’t a selfish bone in your body, pal.

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I got a bag of them online.

Maybe but theres maybe only 3 or 4 countries that have got this right since the whole thing started.

I bought 5 masks for 3 euro in the local shop.

We keep the curve low and lads still piss & moan.