Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Lock every thing down until there is a vaccine or no deaths whatsover from any disease, that’d be my mantra.

Anyone who disagrees is essentially a murderer


Put an electronic tag on everyone’s ankle so they can be tracked, the nanny staters will love that

North Korea have handled the whole thing expertly

Maybe Germany, Canada, New Zealand Australia.
I wouldn’t trust the numbers coming out of a lot of the south American and African countries. I’d say a fraction of them have only been tested.

Lads have lost their minds here.

Hold the line.


Cork cunts

Sur I wont catch it, it’s a Chinese flu not d cark flu boi. Have you heard about cark

I must drive down this SuperValu, it sounds unreal

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There needs to be an adult conversation in Ireland about where this is going now.

Go to your room so and we’ll call you down when we are finished.


Stay the course lads

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I’m finding it tough but another patronising tweet from Simon and a Churchill quote from Leo should see me straight


Don’t forget to roar and shout at the staff if you do. Maybe even throw a few cartons of Sicilian Lemon Yoghurt at them if you really want to get your point across.

Some of these SuperValu staff would walk all over you if you let them

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You’re a good man. Trust in Simon.

Hold the line.

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Would not be surprised if restrictions extended until 4th of July but lifted then , just so Leo can make a speech referencing “our Independence Day”

Leo loves throwing in an auld quote. Good for morale of the people

Our staff are very important to us, they continue to put their lives on the line for minimum wage so we can maximise our profit.


Bit short sighted for customers to be abusing supermarket staff. If the staff get the hump, that’s the end of the last bit of quasi normalized living we have and it will be off to the food banks and no booze.

The Scally’s are actually great employers, they have a shop in the city as well close to where I grew up, decent people, I played football with one of them.

I got annoyed the other day when I was queueing in Aldi and the guy closed the till before I got to the top, I said it to your man but he said that he had to take his break, I took it on the chin in the spirit of the times

