Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

What way were they marked? Single use or ???

Any auld yoke will do for this. They don’t need to be medical grade

Boil em after will do the job in a pinch apparently. They are doing it in hospitals so I think we’ll have to be okay with it

I think we’re probably over the worst of it but at the risk of getting a lambasting from all the Doogie Howsers on this forum, now is the time to “hammer the hammer”



Single use yeah.

I’ve seen people wearing cotton cloth masks. They’re washable but I doubt they’d be as effective as a 3 ply face mask.

I’m mystified by the whole thing being honest.

I scored a box of 100 large latex gloves tonight.

I’m an expert.


Lads talking about listening to the experts, when it’s hard to find two COVID-19 experts to agree on anything, much like economists. The first antibody studies done in the last few weeks have raised valid questions, but the experts who did them are now under attack from other experts demanding apologies. The Oxford experts told the Imperial College experts they were full of shit.

It was also experts who told us the virus couldn’t be transmitted human to human, couldn’t spread in the air, and masks were effectively useless.


We all are. You seem to be making suggestions like an expert though


What’s the herd immunity premise about when there’s zero proof that you’re immune to it after you get it?


What’s the lockdown until we get a vaccine premise about if there’s zero proof you can be immune?


When a person is infected with a virus, they develop antibodies against that virus and get better. It’s why the majority of people that have contracted Covid-19 have made full recoveries. Viruses, however, continually mutate over time. When the virus mutates, those antibodies no longer recognise the mutated virus and the person gets sick. The immune system kicks in again, and the process repeats.


It’s largely unknown at this point what level of immunity people develop and how long it lasts. Immunity in general is a spectrum from very long lasting (chicken pox) to short in duration (you can get reinfected with the same common cold virus a year later, even after developing anitbodies). The closest virus to this one is the original SARS and the immunity naturally developed there lasted around 2-3 years.

If natural immunity doesn’t work for long, then a vaccine based on training the immune system to make the same antibodies won’t work either. The answer is probably some form of very specific antibody that targets the virus, and it may not be one that is is made naturally.


Zombie apocalypse it is


See, there you go, two experts disagreeing in the space of a minute.



That’s what worries me about fast tracked vaccines. There’s a reason they aren’t normally fast tracked

Which countries are they?