Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

I think more and more people are conveniently tweaking their understanding of social distancing.

I’ve been in St Anne’s Park each of the last few days and people are meeting up but standing / sitting / training a bit apart, or walking along the avenue together but with a gap between each other.

My understanding was that the 2 metre distancing was for when individuals were out doing their (essential) business, like shopping. Not for people to keep a little bit of space between themselves when meeting up socially for the chats.

How did you make him out in the crowd?

I didn’t. I have no idea what this individual looks like.

The game is up for the doom merchants and they know it. Their hysterical ways got us into this mess and it’s time for calm collected heads to nurture us a way out


Hold the line lads

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People are so addled that they are not quite sure what they’re supposed to be doing. The guidance is confused at best.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy, I’m still getting a chuckle from that Pamela Pupkin COVID-19 workout video.

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No mate. The ‘reopen the countries’ crew need to lead an offensive action. We need to seize the initiative.

Stand firm

#Italy PM @GiuseppeConteIT releases details of end to lockdown. May 4: manufacturing, construction & wholesale for construction. May 18: retail stores, museums, libraries & pro sports teams. June 1: bar, restos, hairdressers & beauticians. Schools closed til Sept. @CBCAlerts

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The Swedes are heading for disaster mate, just wait 2 weeks.


Ireland ahead of Sweden now in deaths per capita.

Does Sweden count deaths in the same manner as Ireland do?

@Bandage. Surely you’re much safer 2 meters apart outside than 2 meters apart in a shop? The air in the shop is likely riddled with COVID from the hundreds wandering around looking at empty shelves, while not alone is the air outside likely to be free of virus but you are also benefiting from the known anti-viral effects of sunlight.

Do you have some evidence that they are not?

I was being sarcastic but they have similar issues to us and are trying to be as transparent as ourselves in terms of care homes deaths. We added a good chunk of untested probable deaths a couple of days ago that put us ahead of them.

Orderly Andorra has an unusual system for easing lockdown restrictions


By Cristina Giner & Euronews • last updated: 21/04/2020

Orderly Andorra has an unusual system for easing lockdown restrictions


Andorra, the landlocked nation wedged between France and Spain, has adopted a unique way of easing lockdown restrictions.

Those who live in even-numbered homes are allowed to go out on even dates, while those who reside in odd-numbered homes on all other days.

Houses without a number will go out on even dates if the name of occupants begins with A-M, and odd days if it starts with N-Z.

The easing of the lockdown began last Thursday and was for people to leave their homes for an hour to exercise.

"This is not ‘no restrictions’ but rather [phasing in] exceptions to the lockdown,” health minister Joan Martínez Benazet clarified.

As well as an orderly system for allowing citizens out of their homes, they also have to respect strict time slots for various activities.

Running or walking fast can take place between 6 am and 9 am or from 6 pm to 9 pm. Andorrans can shop or stroll between 9 am and 11 am or between 2 pm and 7 pm. The time between 11 am and 2 pm is reserved for vulnerable and elderly populations to get out of the house.

When they leave the house, Andorrans must stay a distance of four metres from others and wear face masks.

Citizens are advised to walk on the right-hand side in the same direction as vehicles to ensure that they keep a distance from others.

Govern d’Andorra@GovernAndorra

Des d’avui es pot sortir una hora al dia en dies alterns, respectant sempre les franges horàries i les indicacions del Ministeri de Salut.

👉Consulta i descarrega’t en el següent enllaç el document complet d’instruccions i recomanacions per a les sortides …

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11:04 AM - Apr 16, 2020

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Andorra has just 717 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and at least 37 people have died, yet it is ranked among the countries with the highest deaths per million inhabitants.

That is because its population is just 77,000 and the calculation extrapolates its death toll as if it had a million inhabitants.

Official figures, the government says, are accurate because all suspect cases have been tested and “even those who die undergo post-mortem analysis”.

There are plans in place to start testing the entire population in the coming days.

Andorra is, like many other countries, very dependent on tourism and is preparing for an economic crash.

The government is drawing up a financial and economic recovery plan to mitigate the effects of the pandemic.

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The CDC guidelines on COVID-19 deaths states that if CODIV-19 played a role in the death, the condition should be recorded on the death certificate. If a definitive diagnosis had not been made via a test, they recommend reporting the death as presumed or probable COVID-19 “if the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable level of certainty”.

I would imagine most countries are following similar guidelines.

You can follow the guidelines but still dook the figures by restricting the sources, just look at dozy Bojo

Not recording nursing home deaths? has that been corrected?

There are actually some significant differences. There was a good thread on it here

The excess deaths info is the one people are zeroing in on now. Denmark are interesting - it really does appear as though that their different care policies for the elderly may have avoided a lot of deaths, because their excess deaths don’t appear out of the ordinary.

It started to become clear by late March/early April what a catastrophe care homes were. This seems to be a big issue in Western countries with long term care plans incorporating care homes and not China. Chinese seniors mostly stay at home, so this wouldn’t have been a noticeable emerging issue at the time. The terrible data from China that we had showing mortality was so high there (relative to lower cases) caught Western governments off guard in my view. There was a race to suppress this at large within society as they couldn’t countenance 3-5% death rates and when Lombardy’s healthcare system looked overran, the race for ventilators started.