Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Eh no, that’s why I asked you the question

I have no evidence that Sweden are counting deaths any differently to Ireland.

UK recording Hospital deaths only

Still? I thought they had a big bump recently when they added nursing homes? Maybe that was somewhere else.

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The doctors from Bakersfield posted by @gaillimhmick are worth a listen. Especially their commentary on developing immunity. You won’t develop much immunity to anything hiding in your house.


Less of the fucking depression now today lads. A bit of productivity and optimism. Kiss the dog, walk the wife and make something of the day. In a few weeks time we’ll all regret not making the most of this. @Lazarus, I have a few spare bananas here if you fancy shoving them up a gooses arse later and firing it up on Ravenous


You’re reaching for zen. I’m proud of you. You can read this thread but just don’t ingest it. Be aware of the news, but don’t take it in.

Zen is achievable. For all of us.

France recently added care homes and I think was around 15 % additional when they were around the 15k mark.
Numerous media outlets in the UK reporting / hypothesising on the actual number, some up to a hysterical 40k.

Is that not a fairly reasonable figure?

The Financial Times in the UK ran a piece that used excess deaths over the past 2 months against previous years data to conclude death rates were 75% above normal.

Below is basically a lift from the FT piece.

I’m not honing in on the safety point, more than people aren’t strictly following the lockdown guidelines. They’re mangling and twisting bits of it to suit themselves at this stage. Like Maura, Breda and Nuala are meant to be exercising within their own family units only, but they’ve decided it’s grand to power walk up the avenue of St Annes Park together with reusable coffee cups in hand, so long as they spread out and keep their 2 metres. If this means they block the entire avenue for people walking in the other direction then so be it.


They have to exercise and they have to meet up “for their mental health”.

Fair play to the girls. Maura, Breda and Nuala are getting out there and adapting to the new normal while @Bandage is at home hiding under the couch


Sure didn’t Maura, Nuala and Breda nearly mow me down.

Sure did you see the flats in Dublin dancing to Saturday night. A load of people panting and jumping around the place while keeping two metres apart from each other are lauded as great examples of how to adapt to the “new normal” and a display of community spirit, but a group of people walking on the prom in salthill while maintaining social distance are scum of the earth.


Maura, Breda and Nuala standing in a circle in the middle of the footpath, tutt-tutting away loudly about Josephine - who goes into the supermarket without sanitising her hands first and then proceeds to paw every fruit and vegetable in the joint - so Phatt and his ilk have to walk out into the middle of the road to give them sufficient berth.

A gentleman should always yield the footpath/walkway to a group of ladies. There’s no rearing in some lads on here.