Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

The Sunday Times has been calling them out in fairness, the only Murdock rag allowed any degree of independence. They had a rebuttal yesterday to Number 10s rebuttal to their Insight feature the previous week about Boris missing all the COBRA meetings and basically being a part time PM


I’m predicting measures to be relaxed after the weekend but only slightly.

Can you be more Pacific?

Something pointless like relaxing the 2km limit to 5km. Maybe opening schools for leaving certs.

I had an Eddie Rockets the other night. It was fucking superb. Businesses needed to reopen and people need to get back to work. Open it up ta fuck.

I’d a wow burger delivered at lunch. Delightful tack. I might never cook again

There is zero chance of schools being open for leaving certs.


Ok thanks for clearing that up. Please inform the nation

Just think about it for a minute. The LC is postponed until end of July but you think they are going to bring them back to school in May. Seriously.

I have thought about it. I don’t think students will go back on the first day of the LC. I believed they might return to school earlier so teachers could help them etc. You’ve cleared it up for me though

You do realise that teachers have not stop teaching them?

I do yes.

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My weekly click and collect boojum is about to be accompanied by an eddie rockets jaunt. Huzzah

That clown Holohan wants ye to hide under the bed for the rest of the year

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The mind is the greatest muscle the human has.

If you train it well, if you have the will, you will see this out guys.

It’s time to ask yourselves, are you a man or are you a @GeoffreyBoycott?

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Patience. Fortitude.

Sick bastards