Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Dragged up

I’m not referring to a mere footpath. I’m talking about the 3 women, and maybe even Helena and Nora too, spreading out across the entire avenue and marauding towards you.

I’ve taken to walking out on the road at all times when safe to do so during my afternoon and evening walks. I like to stare at people as I pass them and wait to get the nod of approval for my sacrifice particularly from any older people. It’s the lockdown equivalent of fishing for likes but whatever gets me through the day I suppose.


Very anti Dublin slant to your Facebook. All very roooral names.

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That’s St Annes park for you. If I was heading over to the park in Donnycarney or somewhere I’d use Natalie, Kelly and Linda.

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40k is actually a reasonable figure I suspect. A prominent company which has bout 1% of the care home population has had 390 deaths due to suspected Covid.

Is there much focus on this in general media streams over there or does it just descend to a political debate? or not a discussion point at all?

Fair play to you. You’re obviously on top of the do’s and don’ts. But you shouldn’t be too hard on these folk, some genuinely don’t get it. We’d a lad on here a few weeks ago who was worried about whether he was allowed bring his infant son for a walk with him.

Must have been terrifying

Yes, the inconsistent messaging from the government and the HSE has been appalling.

Was grand. Used my child in his buggy as a kind of shield, or weapon.

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Imagine it?

The misogynists are out in force today.

Most mainstream media outlets either
A. Say what they are told to by the govt (the bbc)
B. The govt say what they are told to by them (Murdoch/ telegraph)
C. Publish a stream of extremist bile written entirely and only as it is what their extremist audience want to read (mail/express/mirror)
D. Publish mainly in pictures for illiterates (sun)
E. Are too niche to have any clout (independent/guardian)
Channel 4 news is the only reliable source, and I’m never watching telly then
In summary, 🤷


Post reported

When the likes of Maura, Breda and Nuala were dropping cream buns into Mammy @Bandage’s during his convalescence the same fella was all about them


Would you consider holding your line and walking in between them? Is being 1m from Maura and Breda (or Breda and Nuala) for 1 second as you pass by likely to result in you contracting Covid-19?

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Constantly weaving in and out, dropping the shoulder and taking evasive action with a buggy? I’m not @Mac doing a 5km race, I just wanted a relaxing stroll without 3 or 4 Richard Ashcrofts walking against me and taking up the whole avenue. Traitors to IRELAND.


:joy: Brilliant

Something like this for the buggy could send out a fairly clear message: