Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

We’re not in lock down. Not even close to it. We’re not trying to save lives, not even close to it.

Stop that.

I am. Are you not complying?


The Taoiseach is spending state money on PR and you think we’re trying to save lives :rofl:

The innocence of some lads on here is actually endearing at times.

There would be a lot worse economic damage if things were carrying on like the loonies on this thread want.

That’s the point they don’t understand.

Which is ironic, given why the thread was started.

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I must say it’s encouraging to wake up and read the contents of this thread, a lot of calm reasoned debate and common sense on display.

Just to dispel a bit of a myth regarding health services saving lives. The sad reality is by and large they are not saving many lives. There are two main categories of people that are getting seriously ill from COVID-19, remember that 50% of those that are infected have no or mild symptoms for reasons not fully understood. For the elderly who have underlying health issues like heart disease or diabetes, this is a fatal disease and that group are dying in relatively large numbers. The only treatment is putting them on a ventilator and for the great majority sadly you are extending their lives by days or maybe by a week.

The second group are younger people that may have underlying conditions or not, for them this is like a very bad flu and most recover. Whether they need to go to hospital to recover or not is an open question, anyone who has had a bad dose of the flu can tell you how close to death you feel. Ireland seems to have a high enough number going to hospitals, maybe that was a way of isolating the very sick. There have been deaths in this younger group, not sure how many could be saved as there is no known “cure” in terms of treatment. Younger people also die from respiratory diseases other than COVID-19.

By and large I think Ireland has handled this well and I don’t see the health system collapsing. Hang in there for a few more weeks and I think the picture will look brighter.

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You continually blame Leo for SF not running enough candidates at the GE, it’s bizarre.

This is not a time for Politics or Business. It’s a time for Social protection of our vulnerable population.

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It’s bizarre

Theres an element of points scoring here thats sad to see.

We might well have to go into hard lockdown for months but that’ll have to be based on science.

What we have to figure is what percentage need icu, then try increase icu to match that or as close to it as possible. When thats done things can be relaxed, and will have to be unless people are happy that suicides and other causes start to outstrip virus deaths. A wake up call for the world regarding pandemics at least. Rte did a segment from africa yesterday, heart breaking stuff, three ventilators in the central african Republic with a population of 5 million. Whatever way society is redrawn after this there has to be something done to improve living standards in the third world.

What has SF got to do with Leo hiring a PR man at a time when 200k have been laid off? Spending state money to boost his profile at a time of crisis … Nothing to do with SF.

We need to squeeze as long out of this lockdown as we can. It’s a golden age.


Half lockdown.

Stop seething about Leo, give your daughter a cuddle instead.

I want you to be okay bro.

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I’m ace bro – I’ve arguably never been better.

The health service isn’t really the hub of the debate here. It’s about why we need to make personal decisions to comply with a lockdown to the best of our ability in order to slow and limit the spread of the virus which will spell the end for the elderly and vulnerable and some younger people too ago are in good health.

Leo may not be your Taoiseach, but he’s our Taoiseach.

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The thread was started by Darwinians obsessed by the idea of the survival of the fittest, but ironically the lockdown is weeding out the weak of mind in a Darwinian fashion, and the weakest of all, the least fit, have turned out to be the Darwinians themselves.

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Ok mate - i’ve run out of steam now.

A lot of lads here cant read thread titles it seems. I was merely fulfilling the terms of the thread title. Some lads need to look before they leap – there was a lot of leaping done here – a few simpletons even telling me I was being hysterical.

We will be told when it’s safe to go outside. If you aren’t happy with that, you can try revolt against it. I doubt you’ll get much empathy for it in real life