Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

If you’re the own calling for a cessation of a lockdown then you are encouraging the medical service to be bombarded and the loss of life to surge drastically.

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You’ve lads saying let the old die etc, but what about our health care workers?

Are you addressing me here

Not personally.

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It’s easy for those of us who are employed to make necessary sarcrifices; however those who have lost their jobs and have mortages to pay and families to feed might not agree.

Nothing to do with anything - in usual fashion, trying to play the man to shift focus.

We’ll be back to normal by June — deaths will keep happening , they are not gonna stop nor are we trying to stop them. Hopefully they just happen at a pace that we can manage.

Who made you spokesperson for " We ".

Typical weak townie attitude on display here

Go back to your corner like a good little boy.

The Manchester United supporters who were so desperately hoping COVID-19 would spread widely and shut everything down so that Liverpool might be stopped from winning the league are now so bored with themselves that they’re desperate to condemn many thousands of people to death in order to get back to normal - all because they can’t think of anything else to do during the shutdown except wanking, and now they’re tired and bored.

On the contrary, Liverpool supporters are more than prepared to put public health first even if means costing the team a league title.

Being a Liverpool supporter is a spiritual thing. It means respect for human life, telling the sick and the elderly and those at risk that they will never walk alone.

Manchester United supporters just want to murder them.

All you want is for it to be back to normal, you couldn’t give a toss about the death tolls that going back to “normal” will inflame.

We, as individuals, need to make huge sacrifices over the next 18 months, tough titties if that impacts on your entitlements.

You made your bed, mate. Lay in it & be glad your all safe & healthy. Being at home with the family is great.

Guys, time out, its ok to have an open conversation but without the ad hominem attacks please.

The selfishness of some lads is off the charts.

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If you can’t hack it there are phone lines available that you could call for comfort and advice.

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I have a daughter - if she died i wouldnt know how to go on … that doent change the facts. We’re not trying to save lives, we’ve taken measures to slow the thing and i’ve no doubt to allow a percentage also contract the virus and recover. If we were trying to save lives we’d have taken piles and piles of other measures and a lot sooner than we have.
The only difference to my life at the moment is not playing ball twice a week - I can handle that for as long as I have to - I dont go to pubs or clubs and I hate socializing so i’m not sure what life you think i’m trying to get back to.

Hack what? Have you something to say or did your tampon momentarily go up a little too far?

You’re hysterical.


The viciousness of the lads in denial is something to behold - you try and give them a dose of reality and they fall to pieces, lashing out like kids who dont like the ending of the story.

We are trying to save lives. Slowing the virus and it’s spread will drastically reduce the death tolls. It’s why pretty much the whole of Europe has introduced lockdowns, despite the fiscal damage and repression of liberties it brings. Saving lives is the most important thing and that is what adhering to a lockdown will achieve.

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I’m perfectly calm. A very odd statement to make.