Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

The approach by and large from most states has been very sensible, in terms of restrictions and lifting restrictions. We will see how it pans out, but as of now Ireland has a higher death rate per capita than the US (250 vs 192 per million) and deaths are counted the same in each country. As for the Don, the only complete shit show in the US has been New York, run by Democrats for decades.

Thanks mate.

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I only heard about that eggs thing recently. Awful stuff.

More deaths than Vietnam. Doing great allright.

Most of the scientists that the lads are praying to are Americans but sure look, Paddy saw OutFoxed so knows well.

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Adapt or die

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What does the number of deaths in Vietnam have to do with anything? What a stupid, stupid, comparison. If you are going to compare to anything, at least compare to an infectious disease outbreak, like the worst flu season.


Well you are the one saying America is doing better than Ireland. More have died due to covid in America than died in Vietnam and Vietnam is considered the biggest catastrophe in American history.

What’s this?

If you bury eggs in somebodies potato drills they get awful bad luck.


Studies have shown that the corona gestates in eggs

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Phages are going to save us. The Russians kept this research alive for the past 80 years.

Are you a mentalist?
An estimated 675,000 Americans died of the Spanish flu in 1918, 655,000 in the Civil war, 405,000 in WWII.

I’m getting a bit bored of this Tony Holohan gimp, I suspect he’s a bit of a spoofer.
I was watching him this evening and was minded of the returning officer for Kerry at the last General Election. “The numbers affected now are 20,656, that’s two zero six five six…”

I was waiting for him to say as Fagan O’Dowd has exceeded the quota I’ll now proceed to distribute his surplus of 9,114, that’s nine one one four…

He’s revelling in this upheaval and becoming increasingly irksome. The cunt.


Hold the line

Ivan Yates has been a revelation the last couple of weeks

Ivan has one eye on the Galway races

Lads are starting to fall.

Stay the course.

Fortitude. Patience.



The voice of Ireland