Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Family friends of mine would know Tony well. He’s an extremely decent man who’s in an awful position. I wouldn’t like to have been in his boots for the last three months trying to get harris and Leo to do the ring things. Lay off him guys.

He seems to be calling all the shots. He will go down in infamy.


What’s clear is they have made an absolute fuck of this from start, I was going to say finish but theres a way to go yet. If we had achieved any of our objectives we would be easing off some bit but it’s clear they haven’t and there is more to this story than they are letting on.

Is this not kind of odd in itself as a Silo -

We’ve learned inanimate objects can hold and transfer the virus for a period of time , respiratory transference is rife via physical means i.e. Sneezes, coughs in their own right then add the face touching physical transference etc.

If pre pubescence biology offers some form of Kryptonite value against the avenue this virus uses to attach and attack then wouldn’t that surely be a huge part of the formation of a combative shield against it. I’ve heard nothing of the sort.

Portuguese football is back on 30 May behind closed doors.

Iodine tablets.
Job is oxo

@anon67715551 has spoken when the sage of the forum is calling out Hula Hoop the rest of us must fall in line :clap:

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He’s not calling the shots though. He’s doing what the WHO tell him and afraid of his life to make any kind of decision. He’s good at parroting other people’s points alright. He’s a politician in everything but job title. Risk averse to the point of paralyisis. I’d imagine he was a shit doctor back when he was practising if he ever did. One of those lads who was terrible at the job but played the game and rose through the ranks conniving, backstabbing and shaking the right hands. And id say hes very adept at using a sweeping brush when needs be as was the case in the cervical check controversy.


You haven’t a notion lad. He’s a good man in a difficult position. It’s easy from the cheap seats.

He’s a bluffer. I know his type. Difficult position to be in alright but leadership requires a bit of guts. And not being afraid of transparency. And i dont see that in the bould Tony. The media love in is sickening. All PR spin. It won’t last.


It’s one of the very odd things about this virus. Generally kids because of their immature immune system get quite sick when they encounter a new virus. This doesn’t seem to bother them at all.

Who knows, Calpol 6 plus and Liga could hold the answers :mask:


Coronavirus lockdown is a cod… I think the whole thing will go down as a giant white elephant that put the worldwide economy into a tail spin.

It is an utterly new concept and it specifically has an avenue via fatigued mitochondria and telomeres. I’m just not buying if a country like Switzerland is announcing U-10s are somehow immune as carriers (what if they wear an old jumper?) and are not infectious and simultaneously not working on a synthetic version of resistance.

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Viruses are strange old things. The Spanish flu was lethal to people in the prime of their lives in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s. It actually didn’t hit older people as bad.

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It caused an autoimmune reaction which because they were healthy their immune system killed themselves trying to kill the virus


The dreaded cytokine storm. It’s the primary cause of death with COVID-19 as well, the cells of the lungs are being destroyed at a rate I don’t think we have seen before in any other respiratory illness. But to release a cytokine storm cells have to get infected by the virus, and for whatever reason it’s not happening in kids.

This, while frighteningly close to the bone, might well reflect the depth of shit we’re in.
Super post.

Buckle up or we’re goosed. Trust no one, least of all the Establishment.

I think we, as a forum of good lads, will have the resolution formula by Monday.


Is there anything more symbolic of hope than a pair of nice tiddies?
Answer no

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