Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

I concur. Alas, they have more complete dipstick morons per head of population than anywhere else in the world, bar, possibly Mayo.

Never been to Clare?

The show must go on

You must be getting daily zoom calls from Gemma O Doherty, you seem all hyped up again.

He’ll hardly be able to keep this up.

Today’s the day lads. Let’s hope Tony is in benevolent form.

I actual had to google cytokine storm, new word of the day. Yeah looks like that is correct but not occurring to younger people with a healthier immune system as opposed to Spanish flu which healthy immune systems killed the patient

Hes just saying what is the best outcome for public health. The government are to make the tough decisions based on his recommendations that’s their job, why they were voting in 4 years ago and clearly why people wanted change on Feb.
Dr Tony is covering his arse by recommending keep lockdown so he wont get blame for second surge. Ffg are not challenging this as they dpnt want blame of their decision goes tits up as it is likely we will be back at the polls once this blows over

Michael O Leary is having a breakdown

No mate. It’s independent thought. Try it some time. Just to warn you though, you might get mild discomfort as confusing independent thought tends to challenge popular views of the world.

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Taking a 50% pay cut for next year

I use Independant thought while working each day, mate.

You could stop projecting perhaps, the old people are due to die anyway line has gotten creepy & old.

Be some struggle for him to get by on €1.5m a year now.

I won’t dis a fellow Flyefit swords member

Projecting? Where exactly? Also, where did I say “old people are due to die anyway”?

This is what I said, and it’s 100% true but clearly an uncomfortable truth.

Stop projecting, mate.

Find myself agreeing with everything here…


People with chronic and terminal illness are not getting treated or are afraid to go to Hospital over this nonsense

A lot of lads speaking out of turn here. Dr Tony, not a fan of transparency anyway, will add on another fortnight here as punishment

In fairness, a lot of what’s in there has been posted here by the same cohort that have been calling for a common sense approach to dealing with the virus.

It’s interesting to see this point being made:

Fact 4: People are dying because other medical care is not getting done due to hypothetical projections.

I’d like to get the thoughts of the “nobody is allowed to die” brigade. These deaths are very needless.