Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

The country has two choices now since the “curve has been flattened” and ICU hasnt been overwhelmed - hid under the bed for 2 years or more, or begin to get on with things.

If we keep this lockdown craic up as we’re doing, small and medium businesses are finished. There’s going to be no country left.

The impacts of this will only be seen down the line and the cowards in our government cabinet will have to answer for it.


You’ll be delighted to hear they announced today that they will be ending lockdown in a few months. Seems Leo and the lads agreed with you

It’s de minimis If anything. For most people they won’t even know they had it. It’s a bizarre one. Italy spooked the world.

I dont believe a word of it mate.

Lying cunts.

Whats going on is sinister as fuck - very worrying times.

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Sure we’ll have to wait and see. By the sounds of it they’ve decided to do exactly what most people here wanted ie open it up to fuck. They’re doing it a bit slower than some would like but at least we can see the reasoning behind that.

They’re waiting to see what other countries do mate, unfortunately - our crowd dont have a fucking notion.

Shower of useless fucking cunts. Varadker must be the most insincere political leader I’ve ever seen. His hands are tied too in fairness.

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Wouldn’t disagree with most of that but because they are so useless I think we’re better off copying other countries.

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There is no such concept as proof in science, there is only evidence. The evidence is the great majority of people who get exposed to this virus develop antibodies and recover, from the antibody studies as much as 96%. There is doubt about how strong the immunity is or how long it lasts.

If we can’t develop immunity to this disease then there’s little point even looking for a vaccine. Maybe some kind of novel engineered antibody but that’s a long shot.


Popcorn under the bed wouldnt be for me, mate.

The impact is already here, we are looking at a 6 to 12 month deep recession. Layoffs have only started in some industries. If this goes on much longer we are looking at a multi year depression.


Its baffling how so many people don’t get that.

There is no alternative but to get on with it. Cowards thinking that they can elimate a virus that’ll probably be here for years is pure madness.

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A five step phased plan over several months is utter bullshit. We know exactly what needs to be done. This is a very dangerous and in many cases lethal disease for the elderly and people with certain health conditions. 100% of the focus should be on protecting them and health care workers from infection, testing anyone who needs to go into a nursing home or hospital, wearing masks and distancing if you visit elderly relatives, etc.

The tragedy is that this is what was needed from the beginning, and governments utterly failed in these most basic tasks, resulting in lots of avoidable deaths. While applauding themselves for imposing lockdowns and harassing people who dare to travel more than 2km from their house. A bunch of clowns, history won’t be kind to them .



I dont remember you saying anything about nursing homes back in March. Easy be wise after the event.


We’ll never get to step 5 because it’s at Dr Tony’s discretion…it was cobbled together to buy Leo and co time. He didn’t even know what was in it when asked a few questions earlier by Tubs.

Any fucking plan should have been about getting as many u40s back to normal first and kick starting the country… Kids and workers. And protecting nursing homes and old. Once you have a few months of U40s back at it and you can see what way the wind is blowing you start with the rest… Telling old people to venture out and thst they can invite people into their homes in June???

Has he not been paying attention to the age of 90% of deaths?


I’d encourage you to go back and read the first Wuhan virus thread, it was obvious to those paying attention from what was happening in China in early to mid February who was vulnerable and who was dying from this disease. Ireland are by no means alone in not acting to prepare for this, but it’s a reflection of how wrong governments have been literally every step of the way during this pandemic, and reason to continue to doubt them now.

The biggest mistake governments made was following the advice of the WHO “experts” who have literally been wrong about everything so far. Believing for the first month it couldn’t be transmitted human to human, the mode of transmission, no need to restrict travel, no need for masks, etc.

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Would you really have had u40s back to work and over 40s out? That would have been logistically fairly tricky I’d say. Are 41 year olds more likely to get the virus than people in their 30s?

You have to start somewhere. Over 40s who are currently wfh can continue to do so… The younger you are the more this thing bounces off you unless you have a condition or you are obese… Get the younger folks back motoring…then 41-65 age group. We’ve set ourself up to be in pepetual lockdown with this map they’ve laid out.