Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Well see in a couple of months I suppose. This is the plan and it’s not going to change. they probably won’t try the over 40s thing at this stage

Leo referring to his real boss “Tony” about haircuts nauseating stuff

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Destroying the country literally…of course then its the poorest and most vulnerable who’ll suffer the most. Its vile carry on.


Lads leo and co are pushing out GE 2920 2 as much as possible to buy time to become heros or get in bed with ff. At least here most posters see through the BS. Virus is isolated to healthcare settings and those involved should be restricted

The leo cheerleaders want to hide under the bed for years until it magically disappears

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There will be another big break out like Hokkaido and they will absolutely shit themselves and go straight back into full lockdown. These blithering idiots have absolutely destroyed the country. The Spanish have savage lockdown and they are not doing much better. Sweden have it right. Lockdown doesn’t work


:clap: :clap:

The weak need to be fortified. We can be strong for you.


Hold the line

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Is there decent Wi-Fi coverage under your bed?

There’s no reason to be under my bed or anyone’s bed. Stay strong. Hold the line. Stay the course.

I believe in you. Don’t ruin this. Be a part of the team.

Couple of the neighbors have snapped here. Roaring and bawling at each other.


Go out and tell them to hold the line, or go inside under the bed. Those are the options.

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Indoors or out on the street/in the backyard?

By all accounts all forms of abuse is up, fecking awful, too much drink, druggies going ape not getting their fix ASAP, and couples stuck with each other all day, pity anyone with 3/ 4 smallies stuck in

Id be surprised if this road map is followed til August… Surely its worst case scenario? It will be reviewed every few weeks with phase dates brought forward…


What accounts?

All of them


His head is a cave, it’s an echo from 1925 possibly.

Hopefully but honestly doubt it, was in a and e last week and whilst travelling saw one person wearing a mask, 2 with gloves and this is a busy part of the city- Wilton,and some just not social distancing

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