Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

The pubs are gone. Poor Mick will have decaf skinny lattes from now on and he’ll bloody well like it


The pubs are gone lads, fine gael have utterly destroyed the country.

New Zealand are laughing at us.


And rightfully so

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only a handful of cases now in Oireland, open it up to fuck, ye have this thing bate into the ground

Ta fuck, open it.

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The time for action is NOW

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Ireland has all but eradicated the disease like NZ

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She has a weird laugh.

I have a feeling that after a couple of weeks of opening any restrictions on pubs will be in the bin. People will lapse into old behavior when the novelty factor wears off, just like the slippage of the lockdown

its fraying around the edge already

God forbid having to talk to the wife when out. That would be awful.

Nothing new there.

Totally agree or pubs are finished.

Yes but sshhhh

This photo of Tedros is attracting a lot of comment.


Shaking hands tut tut