Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

I’d take them up

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I was in Vancouver last year and you had to have a seat in the bar - couldn’t be standing. Watched the Chanpions League final there and they’d only admit enough for each seat

They aren’t. They are subsidising tourists not airlines. You can give people money all you want

What bar?

You’re not exactly right there you don’t have to have a seat per punter but the capacity is far stricter, its great, no squeezing through crowds

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It’s a proxy airline subsidisation.

Midweek drinking will make a comeback.

It is, but it could be any airline, not just an Italian one.
You’d be perfectly entitled to give people a tenner everytime they entered the country for example. You just can’t only give people a tenner if they come with Aer Lingus.

Be great if the local plagues had to stay in away from you in their designated seating
There’s a pub in Askeaton with two tables in the entire pub. And not space for much more really. Although he’d be happy enough if he’d 12 customers all day. It would probably be about the norm actually. I can just imagine him disinfecting the tables after every use :joy:

The super pubs will clean up.

Our local is the size of a big sitting room. Have no idea how he’ll introduce social distancing in there. You’d fit about 8 people in there if they all have to be 2m apart. Maybe less if you can’t sit anyone at the bar counter.

Where is that from bro?

There’ll be no great attraction to a pub where you can only interact with the people you came in with.

Apart from a proper pint of Guinness, you may as well have a house party.

God help publicans implementing social distancing when lads are on their 6th pint.

My local at home is one of my favourite places to be. I love the chat with the owners, with known regulars and with an odd randomer. All centred around the bar.

That’s all gone in those guidelines. I can’t see many rural pubs bothering their arse with that.


Going by the above list of requirements it’ll be an absolutely shite experience. You’d be better off at home.

@Copper_pipe will struggle to get his Iron in the wild

Talking shite with people is the best part of the pub. Won’t be much craic if you can only talk shite with the same people all night

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Its just posturing to get a bigger slice of the bail out pie don’t worry.

There is a lot of pub snobbery around I find. The facts are that the pub is a massive part of Irish life.


The VFI, ask @Lazarus