Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Sure until recently scientists told us the earth was flat

It’ll probably stay burning in the US for a while just because they seem to earlier in the trajectory, but it seems to be fizzling somewhat in the places that had it worst. Italy, Spain, France etc. The deaths will take a long time to gradually fall off though and when you are starting from very high numbers, you could be talking the same again from where we are for the UK

Freddy’s latest interview with the virologist who studies the carnival town in Germany with the outbreak.

The professor is conservatively estimating an IFR of .24%-.36%.

Big into viral loads being a huge issue. Firmly states that the carnival had super spreaders; indoors, bar man going around with a whistle, lots of kissing etc. Doesn’t see a lot of transmission in family environments. Possibly accounts for the virus being here for a long period of time and not seeing a tipping point for a while.

Doesn’t see schools as an issue.

What a shambles. Total hypocrisy in fairness.

You’re quoting a study by imperial college London which proves how they saved the UK??

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His staats didnt add up.

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Thankfully they didn’t - suggests to me that he didnt believe his own numbers in the first place.

Serious blow to the lock it down ta fuck crowd.

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Great to see Ferguson getting the true recognition he deserves. :rofl:

Carlson all but called Neil Ferguson a pretend-scientist there.


We’re waiting months to do this though

Austria reported no uptick after their initial easing also, good news all round


So it’s confirmed no lockdown was required. The pubs could be open by the June bank holiday.

In a proper country possibly here I very much doubt it.

Boris is opening it Monday

I presume all the lock down merchants on here will apologise for causing the worst recession in the history of the state.

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Rishi Sunak putting an end to that furlough nonsense aswell.


Did he say “open it up to fuck”?

Do you think the road map will play out til August? Can’t see it happening…they’ll bring it forward and say what a great bunch we are…

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Yep, they will. It’s the most conservative reopening plan in Europe right now.

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County coloured face masks will be the must have accessory of the year come August