Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

I already have a Chinese sweat shop working on it

Of course they’ll bring it forward. Dr Cervical Check will be told where to shove it when the rest of Europe will be open in June and back to normal and we’ll be still locked down.

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@Copper_pipe and his mates will be a sight to behold on the terraces with their face masks and flares. A real ultras vibe

I’m booking the Kentucky derby in September as we speak. Can’t decide whether to take in New York or Boston on the way over.

Bundesliga opening up next week.

Dalys probably have a big order in with China to supply the country.

Nearly there lads, dont crack now.

It may be necessary to shoot one or two traitors to ensure we make it to the next stage.

This is like the lad in the war movie dreaming
of life on the farm when this is all over.

You know as soon as he says that he won’t make it.


The first fella that pulls a picture of his local out of his pocket and shows it to his buddies is goosed


Its like watching the final episode of Band of Brothers all over again.

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The big gomey heads above the mask will ruin the image


:rofl::rofl:. That deserves a nice post at least

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Sister was telling me there today about a friend and work colleague who has a teenage son with serious mental health and psychiatric issues. Kid was one of the first to be treated in that new kids psychiatric hospital in Dublin (think its in Cherry Orchard) when it opened a few years back. Prior to that, kid had been hospitalized in adult psychiatric wards for a while as there was nowhere suitable to care for kids with mental health issues.

Kid made progress of sorts there and after discharge has been housed for last two years with HSE round the clock care workers, home to parents every third weekend. House was closed down when lockdown began and kid sent home to parents. Three younger kids in house at home, everyone terrorised, one of the parents awake at all times on guard around the clock. Even at that, kid has been hospitalized five times in seven weeks in A & E for self harming.


That’s very hard on the family and the teenager. All the more galling when you consider how unnecessary the lockdown is.

Leo Varadkar told us on Paddy’s Day that cases would rise by 30 per cent every day. He told us that this was “inevitable”, and that it “cannot be stopped”. If that was true, there’d have been approximately 1,250,000 cases by mid-April. The number as of 5 May stands at just over 22,000 reported cases.

Micheal Martin stood before the Dáil in late April and told the house that “this virus has been every bit as deadly and destructive as was feared”. It hasn’t been.

We’ve been sold a pup on so many fronts. The politicians have lied. The pretend scientists have lied. And yet, like good little boys and girls we still hold the line standing 2m apart, we wear face-masks and gloves, we stay isolated at home while jobs disappear along with the economy, and we tune in religiously to Dr. Cervical Check, hanging on his every word.

Instead, we should be demanding that heads roll.


Great post but I’ll say one thing even for the sham Govt that’s in it, once the power of mass hysteria takes over it’s very hard to stand up to, they were not the only ones to have the wool pulled over. Very few Govts in the world had the balls to call it for the cod it was and the Brits wern’t long doing the mother of all backtracks. The medics and scientists whipping it up it are fuelled by ego’s and open relationships and future cushy media gigs, you can see it in them from a mile off. Mass hysteria has been a human fault throughout history, and, with technology being what it is, it’s a bigger problerm than ever now


Most people have got used to the official narrative, to the extent any opposition is labelled as a conspiracy theory. Some seeming conspiracy theories are more factual than the official narrative. Since when was government something to be trusted or regarded as infallible? Government is there to serve the people, and give them good value in return for paying their inflated salaries. The power we have ceded to governments in the past few decades is shocking, and that’s before considering the utter gobshites we have ceded it to.

Let’s run through the timeline here. A nasty hoor of a SARS virus emerged in China in November and by December was racing through China, and had already reached Europe and the US. The flu which is nowhere near as contagious as this thing traverses the globe in a few months every year, yet our clowns in charge made no preparation for the arrival of SARS and were caught totally by surprise in early March when it was already months into it’s exponential growth phase. Yet the utter cunts would try and convince you they got in front of this thing and averted catastrophe.

They did in their fuck. They realized their mistake when people started dying, about two months too late. With all our technology advances, Google, Apple, and Facebook ruling the globe, we couldn’t pick up the spread of a madly contagious virus that was killing a very selective demographic in every country it touched. Then like lemmings every country bar a few panicked and went into lockdown, throwing tens of millions of perfectly healthy people out of work, and destroying businesses small and large.

The evidence now is that lockdowns are useless and accomplish nothing that sensible social distancing doesn’t accomplish. Of 1,000 recent patients admitted to hospitals in New York in recent weeks, 660 were under stay at home orders, in other words stay at home did them fuck all good. And why would it when people were still going to grocery stores, hotbeds of infection.

This will go down as the biggest own goal of human history. This isn’t a war someone else inflicted on us, we did this to ourselves.



I think a lot of it is the lock it down to fuck crew are delighted to be getting 340 euro a week to sit at home doing nothing, they never want it to end


the whole sorry mess reminds of the Y2K shite 20 years ago, do you remember that? planes were going to fall out of the sky and the global economic system was going to fall apart