Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

The place is crawling with them. Their virtue-signaling always seemed to be tolerated as “harmless banter”, apart from @maroonandwhite and @glenshane regularly calling them out. But now the government has cottoned on to this notion of ‘something must be done-ery’, and things have taken a sinister turn.

When was the last time Catholics were so bound by fear that they failed to celebrate the life and death of Christ in their churches at Easter time?

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That would be a big fear of mine too. Our medical experts and political leaders will have done irreparable damage to society and the economy. I think though once an individual has to go to that repair shop or present in a doctors surgery or go somewhere where there is a gathering of people like a funeral service then once the seal is broken they might slowly and surely become braver and find their way back into society.

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Theres gullible people in Ireland who will never be the same again

You’ll have lads on here telling you they care about the elderly. This lockdown must be incredibly tough on them but some want them to spend the rest of their lives hiding in a room on their own

Just back from dropping sone bits of shopping to a few of the elderly around the place. Spirits are high, they’re out and about a bit more now. Next week will bring more good news and more freedom. As the last fella said to me, we’re nearly there now, just need everyone to keep up the good work.

Keep it up lads. We’re nearly there.


I’ve no real issue with cowards and selfish people like @carryharry and @myboyblue who just lack the minerals to deal with a crisis but what pisses me off is the lads who just jump ship without apology. There was a fella wishing I died a few weeks ago for breaking lockdown and how’s he’s moaning we aren’t opening up quick enough. You literally couldn’t make it up. Fair play anyway @ironmoth you called it and stuck to your guns despite all the clowns having a go at you. It’s great to see as it’s rare nowadays.

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Yes there’s gullible people and maybe they are just far too trusting. With a large cohort though I think it is easier for them to be told what to do rather than having to think for themselves. Some people will agonise over what to wear on a given day or what they will eat for breakfast. Taking decision making out of their hands makes them comfortable and lazy. It is important to be sceptical and ask questions. Consensus and group think can be bad things and something I have railed against.


I’m dealing every day, it’s simply that my zen makes it appear otherwise. You can find zen, just stop the lies.

Rte have ruined that generation. Said it weeks ago they broke the spirits of the older generation making it out that this was worse than previous flu epidemic over the years, polio and tb that were rife in their younger years.


I think the ageing process will be accelerated if people dont get back living and interacting again. Our club used hold cards on a sunday night and there would be octogenarians there who would look forward to it all week. It would be mentally stimulating and they would have regular social interactions. That is all gone now. Being holed up in a house on your own will break your spirit. Most definitely if you do not have something to get up for in the morning. And then it’s like an intravenous drip of fear, 2nd waves, more deadlier viruses from their sources of news and information - RTE and the media at large.




Isolation destroys someone’s mental health. All these people’s outlets have been taken away. My uncle is somewhat fortunate in that a few of us would ring him, but there’s thousands with no one. Afraid to stir out the door, even in rural areas where they might only encounter a shopkeeper behind a plastic screen. It’s absolute madness and we will be regretting this lockdown for a generation


The gfs friend was over the other night. She works in a bar and got a phone call. She originally thought it was a prank but it was an auld lad in early 80s who came in for a pint 2/3 times a week. He got all their numbers and rang them all to see how they were. It was a lovely surprise but I felt awful for him losing out on the social side. Luckily his wife is still alive so he hasn’t been alone. I feel for these sorts.

Nail on the head. You’d fellas queuing up here in March trying to deny that mental health issues would rise ten fold from lock down.

Science has to be a bust after this and hopefully this is the end of journalism as well.

Ballsy enough call writing off science

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Dr Ciara was one of the main people looking for the Leaving to be off, 2 weeks ago, then about 3 days later she wanted to reopen primary schools in June.



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