Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

I had a quick look at Jim Corr’s twitter account there. The first post I read was a retweet about how to make your own hydroxychloroquine, “minus big pharmas (sic) fillers and preservatives”. I stopped reading at that point.


I’d say Gemma O’D et al started out by hopping balls on some forum and before they knew it they didn’t know when they were being serious and when they were just being edgy for the internet win

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Be interesting to know at what point in that transformation does money become a major influencing factor. e.g. In the case of Gemma, was it a decision from the off to reposition themselves as the Irish Katie Hopkins as a viable financial strategy?

Happens us all.


One minute you’re on top of the world having sent some other poster demented and the next you’re in the high court telling truth to power


It could happen to the best of us.

Covid-19 is dying out in England, yet the lockdown, and the thousands of lockdown deaths remain.

That Normal People has them horny as a field of stags Tass

The ice cream van just came into the estate and every kid in the place was lined up for an ice cream. Apart from my own of course…

You tight bastard

Why pay for an ice cream when you can get a tub of Ben & Jerry’s cookie dough ice cream from your own vending machine?


The first line :smiley: :smiley:

Hard-working reader Christopher Bowyer has sent me some more graphs, some based on NHS England data, and some on the ONS week 18 release.

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Not true. I bought one for myself.

Connacht Tribune

Social distancing must be shelved when coronavirus is under control

Inside Track with John McIntyre

A climate of fear has permeated the country. People are afraid to step out of line as common sense, rational and reason are becoming increasingly compromised in the battle to bring Covid-19 under control.

So far, the Government and various strands of our health system have largely played a blinder in tackling the coronavirus. Hundreds of lives have been saved and compared to the ongoing mixed messages emanating from the UK and the USA, Ireland has adopted a clear roadmap to bring us back to some sort of normality.

But in flattening the curve of Covid-19, we are now risking flattening the country. Few will disagree that we need another few weeks of restrictions to deal with this health emergency, but what happens then? If there are no daily fatalities and new infections are down to a handful or better, why would we still persist with social distancing?

I am coming at this from a sports perspective and the impact on contact codes, but there is a bigger picture. As it stands, many businesses will not be re-opening as a consequence of Covid-19 and those that have (and will) must invest thousands of euro in bringing their premises into line with new safety regulations.

And after all that, their footfall or customers will be about one sixth of the pre-coronavirus days. How many restaurants and cafes, for instance, are going to survive in that environment. Thousands of jobs will be lost permanently and the Government wage subsidy scheme won’t be lasting forever.

I don’t want to trot out the lazy line that the lockdown is worse than the disease, but there is a balancing act to be struck and saving the economy must be the priority once Covid-19 no longer stalks the country. Already, it appears that the community transmissions of the virus are miniscule, with infections now largely confined to residential care facilities and meat factories.

The danger is that the Government and their medical advisers will completely error on the side of the caution to avoid a second wave of the virus. How do we know we will even get one if we are not prepared to take some risks? For all I know, we could get three or four waves, but scientific conjecture is no substitute for reality

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I came out from under the bed today for vital family reasons (a bbq). I’m happy to report that there was absolutely zero social distancing taking place, and friends and family were hugging and shaking hands like normal individuals.

Is anybody still observing this 5km nonsense?


I was one if the first people to call out this nonsense and was widely ridiculed by the likes @EstebanSexface and many more. Great to see hypocrisy is alive and well on tfk.


I never adhered to it. Load of bollox.
Good to hear that people are seeing through this nonsense now and living their best lives again.


Dublin is hopping for the last few days. Let’s hope we can all row in now and save the country.

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I’ve an uncle afraid to go down to the shop. Probably will be afraid to go to the pub or to matches. Won’t let people inside the front door. The Junta’s scaremongering has worked on some people. His life will never return to him

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Get the fuck out of the house lads and start spending money. Those bastards have ye afraid to go out. Go out and don’t be afraid. This thing doesn’t affect people under 65. Go out, go outand live your life